ANR Employees
University of California
ANR Employees

UC restricts engagements with Huawei

Given the serious federal government actions against Huawei and their affiliates which have legal implications for UC researchers as well as reputational risks for the University, the University of California (UC) provided guidance. The points outlined below are intended to address the current relationship between Huawei and the federal government and will allow UC to responsibly manage risk with as little disruption to the system as possible.

Moratorium on any future engagement with Huawei. This will prohibit purchasing equipment or devices (this includes cell phones), receiving research grants or contracts, accepting gifts, entering into MOUs, membership or consortium agreements, technology transfer or licensing of UC IP, or exchanging any technical information with Huawei

Cessation of all pending projects, gifts, purchases or engagements with Huawei. UC will implement a systemwide moratorium to prevent any project, gift, purchase, or engagement that is pending but yet to be funded or executed from going forward.

The moratorium includes a prohibition on agreement renewals. All existing agreements should wind down with all funds expended as soon as possible. For any existing agreement that is currently funded, ANR should proceed with the following best practice criteria: a) ANR employees should refrain from visiting any Huawei site. Likewise, existing agreements should, during the wind-down period, be implemented so as to prevent inviting or knowingly hosting official Huawei representatives, including visiting scholars, to ANR meetings or events; b) ANR should not accept any Huawei commodities or software inputs, and there should be no UC exports to Huawei; c) Any informational exchange must be strictly limited to fundamental research intended to be published or already published information; d) All Conflicts of Interest/Commitment reporting questions involving relationships with Huawei or the 68 Huawei affiliates placed on the Bureau of Industry and Security Entity List should be reviewed and have a management plan for winding down. Academics should be reminded that these Conflict of Interest and Conflict of Commitment forms must contain the most accurate and up-to-date information; and e) Balancing academic freedom concerns, ANR should conduct reviews of UC co-authorship on pending publications involving Huawei entities.

Managing engagement risks with Huawei's U.S. subsidiary. Huawei has a U.S. subsidiary, Futurewei. ANR can continue to receive support and engage in research and other collaborations with Futurewei at this time.

Jake McGuire 
ANR Controller


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Posted on Monday, August 5, 2019 at 3:38 PM
Tags: policy (43)

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