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University of California
ANR Employees

Posts Tagged: Aggie Enterprise

Aggie Enterprise status update

Dear Colleagues,

I would like to take a moment to update you on the status of our Aggie Enterprise system support and address some additional challenges that we've encountered. Your feedback and collaboration continue to be vital as we work to stabilize and enhance our operations.

Current Support Status:

  • Support team availability: Our support team is still available for assistance via Zoom on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 1 to 2 p.m. until Nov. 14, 2024. For any system-related issues, you can also reach us by email at  
  • Training resources: We have updated our training materials, including guides and video tutorials, which can be accessed on our UC ANR portal, or our learning center located at UC Davis LMS system.

Challenges Encountered

  • Data quality issues: We continue to identify and discover challenges with conversion data accuracy that have affected reporting. We are actively working on data validation processes to address this.
  • Contracts & Grants billing: Contracts & Grant Accounting Office (UCD campus) is behind on billing agencies and sponsors, and the award and sub award setup process is not meeting our expectations in terms of timeliness. To stabilize and standardize the process and resolve these issues, UCD is planning to bring additional temporary resources to address the issues. We anticipate that the process will improve thereafter. If critical billing requires escalation, please email the UC ANR Aggie Enterprise team, and we will assist.
  • User training gaps: Some users have expressed difficulties with specific features. We are organizing additional training sessions to ensure everyone feels confident in using the system.
  • Integration hurdles: A few integration issues with existing applications and tools (e.g. survey tool) have been reported. Our support team is working to prioritize and address the integration issues to support the system. We will provide updates as they progress.

Next Steps

  • Ongoing communication and training: We will continue to provide regular quarterly updates on system changes, and the Business Operations Center (BOC) will hold regular meetings and support office hours tailored to the needs of admin and office staff which will be communicated separately.
  • Support requests review: The support operational team will review unresolved support tickets regularly to prioritize urgent issues and work with UC Davis partners to ensure timely resolution.
  • Reporting features: Our reporting team is working alongside UC Davis reporting team to develop and enhance user reporting features. Please note that this process will take some time, as the teams are prioritizing the tasks.
  • FAQs: In response to support calls and feedback, our cross-functional business teams are creating knowledge base articles and help guides, to address user inquiries effectively.

Your support, patience and understanding to this engagement are crucial as we navigate these challenges and leverage our systems for greater efficiency. I thank you for your patience as our AE project team works through your concerns.

Thank you,

Tu M. Tran
Associate Vice President, Business Operations

Posted on Thursday, October 17, 2024 at 8:14 AM
Tags: Aggie Enterprise (10)

Aggie Enterprise continued support, office hours resume April 16

During this ongoing stabilization period for our new financial system and Chart of Accounts structure, the UC ANR Aggie Enterprise Team has extended its office hours and continues to support users and find concrete solutions to challenges.

If you encounter an issue with a transaction process, report or any other aspect of the new system, please work with your business manager and/or fiscal officer as they partner with the UC ANR Aggie Enterprise Team to address concerns and find solutions. Continued support is also available to all UC ANR Aggie Enterprise users by opening a service ticket via email to and attending office hours.  

Office hours (4/16 through 6/13/2024)

Tuesdays and Thursdays 

1 pm to 3 pm

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 530 400 4429

The ANR Aggie Enterprise team will continue to closely monitor user feedback and may extend office hours beyond June 13 based on need.

If you need to escalate an urgent matter, please contact our UC ANR Aggie Enterprise Project Manager Raghuvir Goradia at

Tu Tran
Associate Vice President, Business Operations


Posted on Friday, April 5, 2024 at 11:45 AM
Tags: Aggie Enterprise (10)

Update on Aggie Enterprise Oracle Financial System rollout

Dear Colleagues,

Within our new financial system, the new Chart of Accounts accounting structure and Oracle software are vastly different from our old structure and systems. During the transition and adjustment period, the Aggie Enterprise team is actively managing resolutions to issues. I have heard from many business users and ANR staff members that these issues can be stressful and frustrating, and I am grateful for everyone's patience and the collaborative efforts of our teams as they continue working through the transition. I'd like to thank each of you for your efforts to learn the new accounting structure and adapt to business processes within the new financial system, on top of your regular duties. There are considerable changes to our business processes to comply with UCOP requirements, and we will overcome these challenges with time.  

Ongoing support

The UC ANR Aggie Enterprise support team members have been working diligently with business managers and fiscal officers to support, train and resolve issues for all our units during the transition. The team hosts office hours 1 to 3p.m. Monday through Thursday (through March 28), and holds weekly team meetings to discuss challenges, share knowledge and collaborate on solutions. 

Immediate next steps

The UC ANR Aggie Enterprise team is providing ongoing support via tailored training sessions to target audiences to support them through this adjustment phase. UC ANR Aggie Enterprise team leads are working together with business partners and managers to address and resolve these transitional issues. If you encounter challenges with transaction processes, reports or any other aspect of the new system, please work with your business manager and/or fiscal officer as they partner with UC ANR Aggie Enterprise leads and co-leads to build innovative solutions to address concerns. If you need to escalate an urgent matter, please contact our UC ANR Aggie Enterprise Project Manager Raghuvir Goradia at

Expectations over the next few months

Since this is a significant project with extensive impact, working through issues and reengineering business processes will take several months. The functional team will work throughout the coming months to identify and correct issues as they arise, and to ensure that all issues are addressed and processes set by the end of this fiscal year, June 30, 2024. 

Thank you again for your perseverance, patience and hard work. We are committed to providing you with assistance as we work to optimize our financial structure and systems.


Tu Tran 
Associate Vice President, Business Operations


Posted on Tuesday, March 12, 2024 at 2:20 PM
Tags: Aggie Enterprise (10)

Aggie Enterprise financial system’s first week success

Dear Colleagues: 

I'm pleased to announce that the first week of hypercare for the new Aggie Enterprise financial system has been a resounding success! During this critical phase, our dedicated UC ANR Aggie Enterprise “Waggle” support team worked tirelessly to ensure a seamless transition and address initial post-go-live questions, clarifications and challenges. Subject matter experts are closely monitoring the system's performance and working on known issues to promptly address and resolve them. 

The support structure for the new financial system has been well-received as many of you joined Zoom Office Hours sessions and/or submitted tickets. UC ANR's Aggie Enterprise team will continue to provide support via the ticketing system and Office Hours as follows:

  • 1 to 3 p.m.
  • Monday through Thursday
  • Jan. 16 through March 28
  • Join via Zoom

Many thanks to the UC ANR Aggie Enterprise support team for their dedication and expertise during the crucial first week of hypercare, making this remarkable success story possible.  

Stay tuned for updates as we continue to make progress on the transition to the new Aggie Enterprise financial system. 

Thank you,


Raghuvir Goradia
Project Manager – UC ANR Aggie Enterprise

Posted on Tuesday, January 16, 2024 at 11:36 AM
Tags: Aggie Enterprise (10)

Prepare for new Aggie Enterprise financial system go-live on Jan. 4

Dear Colleagues:

Especially for those of us who work in the current Kuali financial system or the UCPath HR and payroll system, we are fast approaching the scheduled January 4, 2024, go-live date for the new Aggie Enterprise system. Please refer to the Aggie Enterprise and UCPath dates listed below. 

Please review the UC ANR Aggie Enterprise Go-Live Checklist to ensure you are ready to work in the new system. You'll find actions that should be completed on Day 1 post-cutover and over the first several weeks following go-live. Activities are organized into general actions that all users should take, and business process actions that may apply based on your role(s).

Please reach out to the ANR Aggie Enterprise Project Team with questions and to report any issues or errors you encounter. To avoid confusion and duplication of efforts, please email instead of the UC Davis ServiceNow ticketing system.

Thank you,

Tu Tran
Associate Vice President, Business Operations

UC ANR Aggie Enterprise Website

Access the UC ANR Aggie Enterprise website from within the UC ANR portal.

Upcoming Aggie Enterprise Dates

  • 1/4/2024: Aggie Enterprise system (production) go-live
  • 1/15/2024:Reconciliation and report creation resumes, in new Aggie Enterprise system

Upcoming UCPath Dates for General Ledger Transactors

  • 1/4 to 1/8/2024: UCPath General Ledger downtime during ANR UCPath cutover
  • 1/8/2024: UCPath new Chart of Accounts goes live, Funding Entry and Salary Cost Transfer transactions can resume

Log in to the ANR portal and find the full list of Business Operations Center dates here and UCPath dates here.


Aggie Enterprise Orientation Guide, including a list of common scenarios to practice

UC Davis Aggie Enterprise website

Navigating Aggie Enterprise 6-minute video

The new UC Davis Chart of Accounts (COA) will replace the current Full Accounting Unit (FAU)
COA Resource Guide (PDF)
COA Quick Reference Guide (PDF)
COA Segment micro-learning videos and supplemental resources


Self-paced eLearning and instructor-led courses are available for sign-up in the UC Davis Learning Management System (LMS). Search “Aggie Enterprise” for a list of available courses. For the best experience, practice transactions and processes in the Hands-On Environment while taking the eLearning courses. 

Posted on Wednesday, December 20, 2023 at 8:41 AM
Tags: Aggie Enterprise (10)

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