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ANR Employees

Posts Tagged: Kit Alviz

Alviz aces UC 150th birthday quiz

Kit Alviz won a 150th anniversary tote bag, T-shirt, lapel pin and set of decorative postcards.

Kit Alviz
Kit Alviz, program policy analyst 4 in Program Planning & Evaluation, knows her University of California history. Alviz took the UC 150th Timeline Quiz and answered all 15 questions correctly and was among the winners of the random prize drawing. She received a commemorative 150th anniversary tote bag, T-shirt, lapel pin and set of decorative postcards.

Read more about the UC 150th Timeline Quiz and other winners at

Posted on Monday, April 23, 2018 at 4:01 PM

DANRIS-X launches into Project Board with webinar trainings

DANRIS-X has been updated and Project Board will open for 2018 reporting.

DANRIS-X has been updated and will eventually be replaced with the newly created Project Board for UCCE specialists and advisors. When DANRIS-X opens for reporting, users will see a reduced number of data fields and an aesthetic refresh.

Project Board will open for 2018 reporting and will have an improved user experience and simplified data entry. Special thanks to the Project Board Academic Advisory Committee and Project Team for their continued involvement. More information can be found at

Upcoming dates and action items:

CE Specialists

  • DANRIS-X opens Jan. 9
  • All CE specialists are invited to the Zoom webinar trainings offered on Jan. 20, from 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m., or Jan. 24, from 2 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Topics include an overview of the reporting system, what and why we report, etc.
  • Actions: Complete Annual Report for FY 2016 and Annual Plan for FY 2017 by March 6, 2017, at midnight.

CE Advisors

  • DANRIS-X opens on Feb. 2
  • All CE advisors are invited to the Zoom webinar trainings offered on Feb. 6, from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m., or Feb. 7, from 10 a.m. to 12 noon. Topics include an overview of the reporting system, what and why we report, etc.
  • Actions: Complete Annual Report & CASA for FY 2017 and Annual Plan for FY 2018 by Oct. 30, 2017, at midnight.

If you have questions or comments, please contact Kit Alviz, Program Planning and Evaluation, at or (510) 987-0027.



Posted on Tuesday, December 20, 2016 at 2:14 PM
Tags: DANRIS-X (1), December 2016 (12), Kit Alviz (6), Project Board (4)

License renewed for Qualtrics online survey software

ANR is renewing the Qualtrics license for another three years. The 2015 pilot year was successful, resulting in more than 60 new accounts or accounts transferred from other university accounts, said Kit Alviz, Program Planning & Evaluation analyst. Surveys have been created for research, administrative, needs assessment and program evaluation purposes.

Unique Qualtrics features include the ability to create mailing lists and schedule individualized invitations and reminders, create display/skip logic so that questionnaires can be tailored to each participant and utilize Qualtrics' many options for response types and scales.

To register for a Qualtrics account, ANR staff and academics can complete this survey. For more information about ANR's Qualtrics account, please visit

ANR has purchased the Offline Surveys feature, which will allow Qualtrics users to download surveys to smartphones and tablets for offline data collection. Learn more about the Offline Surveys feature by clicking on this link.

Technical assistance will continue to be provided by Qualtrics at (800) 340-9194 or Qualtrics has online trainings and tutorials that you can take at your convenience.

  • Visit Qualtrics' Getting Started website to “Learn Qualtrics in 5 Steps” via five short, recorded webinars
  • Their Support website lists even more training offerings, including weekly live webinars and recorded sessions.



Posted on Tuesday, March 29, 2016 at 4:26 PM
Tags: Kit Alviz (6), March 2016 (13), Qualtrics (4), Surveys (1)

UC Delivers continues under Program Planning and Evaluation

UC Delivers, a collection of stories showing how ANR is making a difference for Californians, is continuing. The one-pagers are primarily used to educate county supervisors, legislators, funders and reporters about the impact of ANR activities.

As of February 2015, Program Planning and Evaluation (PP&E) resumed coordination of the UC Delivers review process. PP&E has made some changes to the review process and online system to improve coordination between authors, editors and reviewers and to reduce the time it takes to get articles published. Kit Alviz will review content to ensure articles are written in lay language and have strong payoffs; additional content experts will be brought in to review as needed. Communication Services &Information Technology editors will ensure the article conforms to ANR's writing style and fits the UC Delivers template.

Also in the works is a redesign of the UC Delivers website in collaboration with Communication Services & Information Technology.

To submit an article to UC Delivers, go to your ANR Portal page and click on “Add a New Story” under UC Delivers.

If you have questions about UC Delivers, please contact Kit Alviz at or (510) 987-0027.

Posted on Tuesday, April 28, 2015 at 8:22 AM

Qualtrics survey software available for ANR staff and academics

ANR is providing Qualtrics online survey software to ANR staff and academics at no cost this year as a pilot project. 

Agricultural Experiment Station faculty who are affiliated with UC ANR will be eligible for one Qualtrics account through ANR, however the Division will not be able to provide licenses to the staff or students of AES faculty. 

This is not a replacement for the ANR Portal survey tool, and the Qualtrics account does not currently allow for workshop payment processing. Suggested uses for Qualtrics include workshop evaluations, needs assessments and data collection. Program Planning and Evaluation will manage ANR's license during this pilot year and Qualtrics will provide training and technical support.

ANR staff and faculty can complete this survey to receive a Qualtrics account.

For more information, contact Kit Alviz, program policy analyst in Program Planning and Evaluation, at or (510) 987-0027.

Posted on Monday, April 27, 2015 at 5:04 PM
Tags: Kit Alviz (6), Qualtrics (4), survey software (1)

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