Cellular and Other Portable Electronic Devices
Page Contents
This page provides an overview of UC ANR's policies and procedures related to the purchase of cellular and other portable electronic devices. Click the links in the list below to navigate to each section:
Device Disposal & Data Security
Roles & Responsibilities
Tablets & MiFi Devices
UC ANR Policy & Procedure Manual (PPM) Section 294
Do's and Don'ts
Device Disposal & Data Security
All devices that store information, such as hard drives in laptops, desktops, servers, tablets, and phones, need to be securely shredded and destroyed before the device can be e-wasted. IT will take care of this process for any ANR units. Either:
- Store the device securely until IT can pick it up or
- Return it to IT for proper disposal
UC ANR IT Department's Resource on Security
Click here for IT's regularly-updated best practices for data security and disposing of old, unused, and broken devices.
Roles & Responsibilities
Unit Director
- Purchase approvals
- Receive device upon employee separation from UC ANR
- Submit Cellular & Other Portable Electronic Devices Agreement Form
- Cellular & Other Portable Electronic Devices Eligibility Form
- Submit if not Academic Staff nor in Community Education Specialist (CES) role
- Submit if not Academic Staff nor in Community Education Specialist (CES) role
- Note: a BOC P-Card must be used to purchase cellular phones & other portable electronic devices
- Reach out to the BOC Business Partner Team assigned to your county or unit and BOC will make the purchase on your behalf
Account Manager
- Review and monitor purchases
- Ensure appropriateness of transactions and availability of funds
Business Operations Center (BOC)
- Review and monitor transaction eligibility, appropriateness, and fund availability
- Maintain UC ANR Employee Agreement Forms
Office of Contracts & Grants (OGC)
- Ensure budget and/or sponsor approval if purchase is made using extramural funds
ANR Information Technology (IT)
- Serve as resource for employees inquiring about tablet purchases
Tablets & MiFi Devices
Cell Phones: Only cell phones one model lower than the most recent version in the retail market can be purchased without a special justification. Purchasing the most recent version of smart phone is not allowed. Contact your assigned Business Partner Team for the purchase.
Tablet: Mobile device with internet connect connectivity and other features similar to those on a smart phone. They are not tablet-like personal computers with full desktop operating systems. For ANR's purposes, tablets do not include telephone services (UC ANR PPM 294 Appendix III - pg. 2).
For tablet security, iPads and Android Tablets will just need the mobile version of Malwarebytes. However, other tablets, like a Surface, do need to be imaged by IT.
Contact UC ANR IT through the ANR Portal to purchase laptops and desktops.
MiFi: Devices that create local Wi-Fi networks with a carrier's wireless telephone network. BOC recommends that ANR units renting credit card machines have a MiFi device on hand in case of inadequate network connection at the sale location.
Contact IT through the ANR Portal to purchase a MiFi device.
UC ANR Policy and Procedure Manual (PPM) Section 294
UC ANR PPM Section 294 covers policies, procedures, and best practices for purchasing cell phones and other portable electronic devices. It serves as UC ANR's implementation of the University of California Office of the President (UCOP)'s Policy G-46 on Cellular Phones and Other Portable Electronic Resources.
Cell service providers, required forms, and best practices
See UC ANR PPM 294 Appendix III – Best Practices Supplement
- Approved cell service providers: Section C.
UC ANR Verizon account or UC Davis system-wide At&T account
- Forms required: Sections I. and J.
- Cellular & Other Portable Electronic Devices
Agreement (all employees)
Eligibility (all employees except Advisors, Academic Coordinators, and Community Education Specialists - see policy for more information)
Lost or Stolen Device (UC ANR PPM 294 Appendix III Sections D and M) Visit UC ANR's Privacy & Information Security webpage for steps to take in the case of a lost or stolen device.
