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University of California
ANR Employees

Posts Tagged: March 2023

Get ready for UC ANR Giving Day May 18-19

UC ANR Giving Day will run from noon to noon on May 18-19.

Join us for 24 hours of giving to raise funds for your project or program for the benefit of more Californians. 

In its fifth year as UC ANR's proprietary online giving campaign, UC ANR Giving Day will run from noon to noon on May 18-19.

Some of the projects funded by recent giving day donations include demonstration gardens, outreach teaching supplies and youth scholarships.

Donors are invited to give to support the work of Cooperative Extension, research and extension centers and statewide programs based in counties throughout California. When you click “GIVE” on our website, fund choices appear in the drop-down menus. If you would like to add or change a gift fund at, please submit requests to by May 1.

How to participate

Prize challenges

  • Donor Challenge: $500 prize to the 10 funds that have the greatest number of unique donors for UC ANR Giving Day!
  • Donation Challenge: $500 prize to the first 4 funds that secure an individual $500+ donation on UC ANR Giving Day!
  • In-It-To-Win-It Challenge: $500 prize to the fund that raises the most on UC ANR Giving Day!

Only online gifts made between noon on May 18 and 11:59 a.m. on May 19 qualify toward prize challenge awards. Donations can be made at

For more information, please contact Emily Delk, Director of Annual Giving & Donor Stewardship, at or (916) 564-4862.



Posted on Thursday, March 30, 2023 at 5:18 PM
  • Author: Emily Delk, Director of Annual Giving
Tags: April 2023 (12), Emily Delk (8), Giving Day (5), March 2023 (18)

Ag Day enthusiasm not dampened by rain

Glenda Humiston looks on as 4-Her Emily speaks with Assemblymember Jim Wood.

Despite a steady downpour, legislators and other state government employees expressed their support for agriculture at Ag Day at the Capitol on March 21. UC ANR showcased its people, programs and research.

Vice President Glenda Humiston; Deanne Meyer, interim associate vice president; Sarah Light, UC Cooperative Extension agronomy advisor; and several UC ANR colleagues thanked legislators and officials for their support and told them about current research and outreach activities.

Anne Megaro, government and community relations director, organized activities at the event and greeted legislators.

UC Master Gardener coordinator Judy McClure and volunteers answered gardening questions. Representatives from The Vine demonstrated a robot that performs some farm tasks. 4-H members showed visitors their goats and rabbits. Strategic Communications staff described some of the UC ANR research associated with the display of citrus varieties grown at Lindcove Research and Extension Center and avocado varieties from South Coast REC.

See video and photos below. For more coverage, search social media for #AgDay23#CAagday23 and #AgDay2023.

Deanne Meyer invites Assemblymember Rebecca Bauer-Kahan to sniff the aromatic buddha's hand.
Senator Marie Alvarado-Gil with Sheldon 4-H club members.
Glenda Humiston greets Senator Melissa Hurtado.
Assemblymember Jim Patterson talks with Gabe Youtsey.
California state treasurer Fiona Ma takes a selfie with Glenda Humiston.
Senator Brian Dahle with Glenda Humiston.
CDFA Secretary Karen Ross introduces First Partner Jennifer Siebel Newsom and Glenda Humiston
UC Master Gardeners give gardening advice to visitors.
Anne Megaro with Assemblymember Carlos Villapudua
Senator Bill Dodd with Anne Megaro
Karen Ross test drives a farm robot.
Mike Hsu dazzled visitors with avocado facts supplied by Tammy Majcherek of South Coast Research & Extension Center.
Julia Kalika, of Program Support Unit and 2023 Miss California Cowboy’s Professional Rodeo Association's Rodeo Queen, poses with the California Bear.
From left, Hanif Houston, Lucie Cahierre, Miguel Sanchez, Evett Kilmartin and Mike Hsu prepare bags of the UC variety Tango mandarin to give to legislators while inviting them to Ag Day at the Capitol the day before the event.

Posted on Thursday, March 30, 2023 at 3:22 PM

California ag trade mission highlights cooperation with Japan

Panelists in the climate discussion included, from left, Nicole Van Vleck of the California Rice Commission, Shori Yamamato of NARO, Karen Ross, Satoru Harada of Yamanashi Prefecture and Glenda Humiston. Photo courtesy of CDFA

To underscore the importance of Japan to California agriculture, a group of agricultural leaders joined Karen Ross, California Department of Food and Agriculture secretary, on a trade mission in March. Vice President Glenda Humiston participated in a series of meetings and events in Japan, which is our state's fourth-largest agricultural export market, valued at over $1.6 billion. 

While speaking on a panel during the California-Japan Climate Summit, Humiston highlighted UC ANR's pioneering work in extending science-based solutions to help growers and ranchers thrive and adapt to climate change. 

At the California Pavilion of the World Smart Energy Week show in Tokyo, the group saw some of the agricultural technology innovations on display  – technologies that will be vital in addressing the climate crisis and other challenges.

Glenda Humiston was surprised and delighted to see UC ANR's logo several places during the visit to Japan.

The group met with Japan's Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries. At the meeting, Ross recognized Japan's strong trade partnership and collaboration on market access for agricultural products, as well as organic certification. They also discussed California's Sustainable Pest Management Roadmap.

The California-Japan Climate Summit highlighted climate opportunities related to renewable energy, hydrogen, port infrastructure and agriculture. The delegation visited AgVenture Lab and Tongali, two accelerator programs developing proof of concepts for agricultural startups.

“When we got to the AgVenture Lab in Tokyo as part of our California Grown Trade Mission, I was surprised to see our logo on the PowerPoint our host used,” Humiston said. “He went on to say several times how important their partnership with UC ANR was. It definitely made my day!”


Posted on Thursday, March 30, 2023 at 11:31 AM
Tags: Glenda Humiston (87), Japan (1), March 2023 (18)

Get on fast track to contracts and grants with webinars

New academics, office managers, staff research associates and anyone who has a role in contracts and grants is invited to a five-week ANR boot camp to learn key information about the extramural funding process and the Office of Contracts and Grants.

All sessions are on Wednesdays and Fridays from 12:15 to 1 p.m. (except week of April 24 during ANR Statewide Conference). The agenda is below.

Zoom link for all sessions (except those at statewide conference):

Password: 4Learning | +1 669 900 6833 | Webinar ID: 751 701 428

April 12


12:15 to 1 p.m.


Intro to Contracts & Grants and Grant Tracking System


Kim & Kendra

This training is for academics and staff who are new, or just need a refresher, to submitting proposals for external funding. We will provide an introduction to the Office of Contracts and Grants including an overview of the proposal submission process and the Grant Tracking System. 


April 14


12:15 to 1 p.m.

Proposal Development and Proposal Process

Vanity & Kendra

Learn about the steps involved in the grant application process from developing your idea to submission. We will present on identifying funding opportunities, developing the project concept, building collaborative teams, drafting the proposal, contracts and grants review and submitting to the sponsor.

April 19





12:15 to 1 p.m.

Cost Sharing/Matching


Academic Cost Recovery/Salary Savings (include BOC)

Kathy & BOC

Cost sharing or matching funds is the portion of project expenses provided by UC and not paid by the sponsoring agency. Tune in to learn more about when its acceptable to commit cost share on a proposal, required approvals, and tracking cost share after the award has been made.

Learn more about why you should include full cost recovery on a proposal budget and set up a salary savings account. Salary savings can be used as a PI's discretionary account to cover expenses on other programmatic activities beyond the funded project.

April 21 


12:15 to 1 p.m.

Budget Basics and Calculator


Learn how to develop a proposal budget. Topics covered include cost components that make up a budget, applicable cost principles, budgeting techniques and practices, calculating F&A costs, and budgeting tools and resources.

April 26 




At Statewide Conference 

10:45 a.m. to 12:15 p.m.

Grant Funding 101 (Concurrent Session 3-C at ANR Statewide Conference, Fresno)



Kathy & BOC


Learn what to expect when your proposal is funded, from receiving the Good News Letter to monitoring subawardees, to reporting to the sponsor. This session will provide principal investigators information on the roles and responsibilities of the different offices during the C&G life cycle from proposal through closeout and will cover how academic salary savings allow academics to charge their salaries to extramurally funded projects and use the salary savings for their programmatic needs. The session will also provide information on cost sharing in an extramurally funded project and when it should be utilized.

April 27




At Statewide Conference

8 to 10 a.m.


Strategies for Planning, Developing, and Writing Large Grants (Concurrent Session 6-B at ANR Statewide Conference, Fresno)

Vanity (Moderator)

Speaker:  Lucy Deckard, Consultant

As a two-hour, academic-focused professional development opportunity, this interactive session will discuss best practices and strategies for leading the development of large, multidisciplinary team-based grant efforts. Participants will explore strategies for establishing interdisciplinary proposal teams, leveraging prior research, developing a project vision, and best practices for scheduling proposal production and writing the proposal to achieve well-integrated research-education-extension grant applications.


May 3




12:15 to 1 p.m.

Using the new ANR Workflow Automation program to route C&G Forms “800“ and Advance Account Request

Kendra, Kathy and Kim

Introduction and training on the new Workflow Automation system. We will go through the automated program and show how to use it for the C&G Form 800 and the C&G Form Advanced Account Request.  



May 5


12:15 to 1 p.m.

Award Process

Kim & Heidi

Once a sponsor elects to fund a proposal, the review, negotiation and award acceptance process begins. This webinar walks you through what is happening in the Office of Contracts and Grants, and what to do when the accepted agreement arrives in your office.

May 10

12:15 to 1 p.m.

Working with Subrecipients


Learn the definitions of subrecipients, the internal processes involved in setting up a subaward as well as monitoring requirements and helpful resources available. 

May 12

12:15 to 1 p.m.



Post-award Process (include BOC and CGA)

BOC and Lenora Bruce


Fiscal management of grants, contracts and other funding agreements is the responsibility of the principal investigator and the administering unit. learn more about how to successfully manage your project finances, adhere to university policies, adhere to the sponsor's terms and condition and how to monitor your subawardees.



Posted on Thursday, March 30, 2023 at 9:38 AM

L&D - Volunteer engagement, Travel expenses, Conflict competence, DEI Alliance

Landing page| Webinar RecordingsLearning Resources

Do you have a webinar to present in any of these four learning strategies? Let us know by filling out this interest form!

Extension Methods & Delivery
Building Support
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Office, Team, and Personal Management

Extension Skills Volunteer Engagement: ISOTURE Model (Extension Foundation)
April 13, 2023
2-3 p.m. 

This webinar will provide information on how to adapt the ISOTURE Model of Volunteer Management. Volunteer coordinators will better understand the seven steps of the ISOTURE Model of volunteer management that can help engage volunteers and become more effective in working with their local communities. Moreover, the latest research results on volunteer leaders' stewardship action-taking experiences will be shared with the webinar participants. Image by Tumisu from Pixabay 

Extension Transformation: preparing for the next 100 years (Extension Foundation)
April 27, 2023
11 a.m. –Noon 

Demographic trends in the United States indicate that higher education institutions, including Extension, face an uncertain future. Changes in population size and make-up, coupled with associated economic and political uncertainties, present an opportunity for Extension transform its approach to programming and staffing to meet the needs and interests of our future audiences. Join a panel from across the Extension and higher education system in a discussion and exchange of ideas around demographic trends, shifts in programming, and impacts on human resource management and staffing within the Extension system. Explore an exchange of ideas and potential approaches we need to take at the local, state, and national levels.

Top of page

UC ANR Giving Day: Creating Your Strategy For Success 
April 13, 2023 
10-11 a.m. 
This interactive webinar will give you resources to improve your online campaigns whether you are new to UC ANR Giving Day or have participated from the beginning. Learn how your group can harness the power of generosity and raise funds for your program. Join Emily Delk, UC ANR Director of Annual Giving and Donor Stewardship, to access campaign resources, and hear from other colleagues across the state as they share how they've engaged their supporters. And, of course, we'll announce exciting incentive Prize Challenges! Image by mustofa agus tri utomo from Pixabay 

Top of page

Advancing Health Equity in California: 3-part series 
April 5, May 3, June 7 
2-3:30 p.m. 

Are you concerned about increasing health inequities across California? Have you wondered how UC ANR can make a difference?  
UC ANR's Community Nutrition and Health unit is proud to host a 3-part training series on “Advancing Health Equity” in collaboration with UCSF School of Medicine, Department of Pediatrics, and Center for Child and Community Health. UC ANR Educators, Supervisors, Advisors and Specialists from across our Statewide Programs and Initiatives are invited to attend.  
This will be an interactive learning opportunity to come together and visualize how UC ANR can address critical health disparities we face and put into practice the opportunities outlined in our Strategic Initiatives Health Equity Concept Note (found here on the UCANR website). 
PLEASE REGISTER and plan to join this 3-part series: 
Session 1: Registration 
Wed. Apr. 5 from 2-3:30 pm 
Build your familiarity and understanding of core concepts related to health equity to establish a shared language about health equity at UC ANR. 
Session 2: Registration  
Wed. May 3 from 2-3:30 pm 
Identify how existing UC ANR work fits into the concepts and goals related to health equity including addressing the social determinants of health and policy, systems and environmental change work. 
Session 3: Registration  
Wed. June 7 from 2-3:30 pm 
Inform new areas and approaches UC ANR can work in to advance health equity in the future including transitioning from expert to partner within the communities that we serve. 
Image by mcmurryjulie from Pixabay 
UC ANR DEI Alliance Meeting at the Statewide Conference
Monday April 24, 2023
3:15-5 p.m. 
Salon D, Double Tree Hotel, Fresno
Please join us for gathering, participating in engaging activities, and getting to know one another more. Elizabeth Moon, our new Director of Workplace Inclusion & Belonging will give an introduction on what brought her to UC ANR. Let's plan on future activities and share with members new and veteran opportunities in our subcommittee. Invite a colleague who might be interested in joining the DEI Alliance. 

Top of page

From Me to We: Values, Trust, and Teamwork (Extension Foundation)

April 5, 12, 19, 2023  
11 a.m.-Noon 
Values - Discover the value of your values 
Trust - Discover how to show you're trustworthy 
Teamwork - Discover the 5 aspects of highly effective teams 
Led By Karl Bradley who brings expertise in leadership development & training, strategic thinking, public speaking, team building & community engagement to serve the Cooperative Extension system. The ability to help inspire others find their “why” while connecting passion to profession underlines his favorite role…coach. He has a lifelong enthusiasm for agricultural leadership growth to help take organizations past what the science of management says is possible. Image by OpenClipart-Vectors from Pixabay 

Travel Expenses and Reimbursements (UC ANR BOC)
UC ANR Business Operations Center: Our Two Cents  
April 20, 2023 
12-12:30 p.m. 
Learning Objectives: 
What qualifies as a travel expense? 
What approvals are needed? 
How to claim reimbursements for hotels, transportation/mileage and meals? 
Learn what you need to submit for travel expenses. We'll walk you through the reporting and reimbursement process. 
We'll also reserve 10 minutes at the end for your questions! 
Password: 4Learning 
Phone: +1 669 900 6833   

Thursday, May 11, 2023 
12 – 1 p.m.
Are you constantly fielding complaints from your team members? Do you feel stuck in a web of gossip with no way through? Is your team's morale suffering due to the behavior of a few people on the team? Negativity is challenging to manage and can cause significant damage to work productivity, but it can also provide important information and an opportunity to improve the working environment overall. Designed for managers and supervisors, this 1-hour workshop highlights common pitfalls of managing negativity and outlines a three-step strategy to help you transform negativity into greater connection, productivity, and team effectiveness.
Conflict Competence for Staff (UC Davis) Virtual 
Nov. 3, 2023 
9 a.m.-12 p.m.
Conflict has the power to damage our relationships, lower productivity, and increase stress. While conflict is inevitable, with proven conflict management techniques, you can minimize its negative impact, keep relationships on track, and lower your stress. This highly interactive course provides tools to help you effectively prevent and resolve conflicts at work. You will learn strategies to successfully communicate your needs, lower others' defenses, and navigate emotionally charged situations. Please note that this course has significant overlap with “Conflict Competence for Managers and Supervisors” but focuses on interpersonal conflict dynamics with colleagues and supervisors. Image by Clker-Free-Vector-Images from Pixabay 
Conflict Competence for Managers and Supervisors (UC Davis)
Aug. 17 and 24, 2023 
8:30 a.m.-noon 
This highly interactive course provides tools, techniques and skills to effectively prevent and resolve conflicts within your team. You will learn how to recognize conflict before it escalates, navigate interpersonal dynamics from a position of higher power, identify core employee needs, build trust on your team, and navigate emotionally charged conversations. At the end of this course, you will develop a personalized plan to address your specific conflict management needs. Please note that this course has significant overlap with “Conflict Competence for Staff” but includes an additional focus on managing conflict from a leadership position. 
Posted on Wednesday, March 29, 2023 at 4:49 PM

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