Sessions Overview
Day 1: General airblast spray application practice and equipment, and emerging technology. |
Welcome & Keynote Session |
Spray Basics Session |
Spray Effectiveness and Airblast Alternative Session |
Day 2: Modeling and decision support systems for improving spray deposition and efficacy. |
Keynote Session |
Spray Modeling/Decision Support Session |
Spray Decision Support Utilization Session |
Day 3: Pesticide drift modeling and data support for regulatory processes. |
Keynote Session |
Pesticide Regulation & Stewardship Session |
Regulatory Models Session |
Mechanistic Modeling & Closing Session |
Keynotes Overview
Day 1: "Crop Adapted Spraying - Doing More With Less" |
An discussion of the process and results of crop adapted spraying in highbush blueberry, the impact of crop pest on yield and economy, and the need for timeliness in controlling pest to secure high yields and maintain productivity.
Day 2: "From data to recommendations for practice" |
Perspectives on what airblast spray application field data over the years portray about effectiveness, how data should inform growers and applicators, and existing opportunities that will facilitate closing spray application data/knowledge gaps. |
Day 3: "Pain in the drift – Understanding the impact of pesticide drift from a holistic viewpoint" |
Review and assessment of the occurrence, mitigation, impact and regulation of pesticide drift from a holistic viewpoint of farm productivity, environment, human communities, etc. |
Panels Overview
Day 1: Spray Efficiency & Effectiveness Panel |
Panel will discuss the sprayer-applicator-spray complex. How do the capability of the spray equipment, the skills of the pesticide applicator, and the nature of the spray material factor in to determine the effectiveness of a pesticide spray application? How much depends on each component? |
Day 2: Spray Decision Support Utilization Panel |
Panel will discuss the complexity of the influence of field conditions on spray application outcome and the potential benefits of embracing decision support tools to enhance productivity and effectiveness. |
Day 3: Models in Drift Regulation Panel |
Panel will discuss the place of models in drift regulation processes addressing the whys, the whats, and the whens of model utilization within the regulatory community. |
Day 3: Regulatory Adoption and Industry Acceptance of New Data/Models Panel |
Panel will discuss the process, timeline, and considerations for adoption of new data and models for drift regulation purposes and perspectives of industry acceptance or recognition of model predictions. |
Day 1 Agenda | Day 2 Agenda | Day 3 Agenda