Mississippi Silverside
Scientific Name
Menidia beryllina (M. audens) - Visit ITIS for full scientific classification.
- Small, freshwater fish.
- Slender body shape reaching about 4 inches long.
- Pale, semi-translucent skin, with a distinct yellowish-green color.
- Can be confused with Topsmelt in estuarine environments.
- Most common in shallow, warm water lakes, reservoirs, and estuaries.
- They school in large numbers near the surface of the water, concentrated in protected areas with gravel or sandy bottoms.
- Can tolerate high salinity levels (up to 3 ppt).
Invasion Pathways and Distribution
- Mississippi River and East Coast native.
- In 1967 Mississippi Silversides were introduced into Clear Lake, California to control a nuisance insect species.
- Now found throughout Northern California, and have spread to Southern California via the California Aqueduct.
- Visit USGS for a current U.S. distribution map.
Life History
- Mating occurs anytime April- September when the water is warm.
- Females lay eggs in vegetation beds.
- The eggs attach to surfaces, and hatch up to one month later.
- The young fish develops for several weeks until it joins a larger school.
- It has been reported that Mississippi Silversides have outcompeted certain native fishes for food in Clear Lake California.
- They are also known to feed on the eggs and larval forms of other fishes.
- This increase in competition and predation could potentially decrease the number of native fishes, and lower overall species diversity.
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