Evaluating Kernel Processing During Harvest
Adapted by Jennifer Heguy, UCCE Stanislaus & San Joaquin Counties
Since starch content is a major parameter used to decide which corn variety to plant, I’ll describe a fast, yet effective way to evaluate kernel processing during harvest. Kernel processing breaks up corn kernels, allowing the starch to be digested. If whole kernels pass through the animal, the starch is lost in feces rather than used as energy for milk production. By evaluating kernel processing at the time of harvest, adjustments can be made to ensure kernel processing is effective. Following are 6 easy steps to evaluate kernel processing:
1) All you need is a 5-gallon bucket filled with water and your silage sample.
2) Add silage sample to the water bucket.
3) Mix for several seconds.
4) Let the contents of the bucket settle.
5) Carefully pour off the water and floating material.
6) Kernels (and other dense material) sink to the bottom of the bucket; examine the kernels to ensure the majority are broken or crushed.