Pests and COVID-19

Like you, we at the UC Statewide IPM Program are responding to the COVID-19 situation in ways that help protect ourselves, our families, and our communities. While much of the world's normal human activities have largely come to a halt, pests such as insects, rodents, weeds, and plant diseases are not affected by the virus and continue to impact our homes, gardens, landscapes, structures, crops, trees, and natural areas.

The University of California is committed to assisting you with your pest management needs. Although we are all working from home like many others, our staff are still working hard on updates to existing resources and creating new content. The UC IPM website contains a vast amount of information to help you identify a pest and find solutions that fit your situation. If you are using any pesticides, please pay special attention to the label and make sure that you are protecting your health by wearing protective equipment and using the product as directed. This includes bleach and other sanitizing products.

Please visit the UC IPM website for all your pest concerns in California. For individual pest questions, you may also wish to contact your local UC Master Gardener program.

We hope you stay safe, healthy, productive, and pest free during this difficult time.

Karey, Belinda, Elaine, and all the staff at UC IPM

By Karey Windbiel-Rojas
Author - Associate Director for Urban & Community IPM/ Area Urban IPM Advisor

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