Weed RIC member receives Outstanding Scientist Award

Feb 10, 2020

Weed RIC member receives Outstanding Scientist Award

Feb 10, 2020

John Madsen
Dr. John Madsen (USDA-ARS Invasive Species and Pollinator Health, Davis, CA) just received the 2020 Outstanding Scientist Award from the Northeast Aquatic Plant Management Society. The letter of recognition says, among other things, "The Society recognizes you for your ongoing support of students, and your commitment, contributions and dedication to the field of aquatic plant management."

Dr. Madsen has participated in Weed RIC since 2014. He has developed a program studying phenology and management of waterhyacinth, Brazilian egeria, curlyleaf pondweed, and other species, concentrating mostly on the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta.

By Guy B Kyser
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