
Trivia Quiz

Thank you for taking our Trivia Quiz! Here's the answer key if you want to check your answers.



Q: What day is Census Day?

A: April 1

Q: The Census is collected every __ years

A: 10

Q: Which of these questions is NOT asked in the 2020 Census?

A: Are you a U.S. Citizen?

Q: Information from the Census is used to …

A: Redraw the boundaries of political districts

Q: What service does the federal government fund based on Census data?

A: All of the above

(Public schools, Roads & Transportation, Housing Assistance, Employment Training and Education)

Q: How many hearts does an octopus have?

A: 3

Q: Who should NOT be counted in your household?

A: My sister, who is living in the dorms at school.

You would not count any children who are living away from home on a college campus. The Census Bureau has special processes for counting students who live in dorms.

Q: What does the Census generally do if someone does not fill out a census form?

A: Sends an employee to visit the home address to try to persuade them to respond.

Q: For the first time in the 2020 Census, most Americans will be asked to…

A: Respond online.

Q: What amount of federal funding is distributed to states and local communities based on the census?

A: $675 billion

Q: What percent of households mailed back their completed census form in 2010?

A: 74%

Q: Which way is NOT how you can submit your census form?

A: Drive to the office.