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Burn Permits - Agricultural Burns

Agricultural cutting fires permit requirements differ from those of Prescribed Burns. Visit Prescribed Burns to learn more.

Biochar Vineyard Waste from Wines & Vines
To conduct any outdoor burning (beyond fire pits), approval must be obtained from your local district of the California Air Resources Control Board (CARB). CARB establishes the framework for the burn program and local air districts implement and enforce local rules and regulations. 

Best practices is to contact your local CARB district office early in the process. Sonoma County has two CARB Districts, they have different procedures for obtaining approval for control and agriculture burns. 

**UPDATE May 2020 - much of rural Sonoma County now also requires a permit from both Cal Fire AND your air district. Visit CalFire for details.

Determine your ARB District by entering your address.

Once you know your district, learn steps to conduct prescribed burns:

  • Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD)
  • Northern Sonoma County Air Pollution Control District (NoSoCo Air)


Bay Area Air Board logo

Visit BAAQMD, scroll to Allowed Burning

NoSoCo Air

  1. Call or stop by their office:
    • 707-433-5911
    • 150 Matheson Street, Healdsburg
  2. Pay fee online See Proposed Open Burn Classification and Fee Schedules.
  3. Receive approval from NoSoCo Air.

Day of burn:

  1. Check Local Air Quality to verify that it is a burn day.
  2. Call REDCOM, the Sonoma County Dispatch Center to let them know you are burning.