Oct 24, 2014
Too much Spam in your inbox? Not a problem. By setting up one helpful rule in OWA (Outlook Web App) you'll be able to move server-marked spam into a separate folder. Currently, spam is flagged by the mail servers but still delivered to your inbox.
- Go to https://owa.ucdavis.edu and log in with your kerberos LoginID and passphrase.
- On the top right of the web page, click on the Options menu and select Create an Inbox Rule...
- Under the Inbox Rules section, click on the New... menu and select Create a new rule for arriving messages...
- Near the bottom of the new window, click on More Options... This will open up more filtering options.
- Under When the message arrives, and: select It includes these words and then in the message header...
- Type in X-UCD-MS-Spam-Score: **** then click the plus symbol to add the words to the list, then click OK. Type in X-UCD-MS-Spam-Score: **** then click the plus symbol to add the words to the list, then click OK. Note: This will filter messages with 4 asterisks or higher. If you prefer, you can use any number of asterisks, ie X-UCD-MS-Spam-Score: ***, which will filter messages containing at least 3 asterisks or higher. The less asterisks you specify, the more sensitive your filter will be.
- Under Do the following: select Move, copy, or delete and then Move the message to a folder… Select your Junk E-mail folder click OK.
- Make sure the Stop processing more rules box is checked, and click Save.
The new rule should now be saved and active in your list of rules. Click on Mail on the top left of the web page to go back to your mail.
While Campus recommends sorting messages directly into your junk mail we recommend that you create a new folder to sort these messages. This will lower the chances of you deleting any false positives.