Blog Administration Change

Aug 8, 2008

The Blogs are under new administration! This sounds as if a big leadership change has occurred, or a new President of the Blogs was voted into office. Yet the administration has changed (if there was such thing). Just not in the way some may think. I am still the programmer / developer, the Master Administrator, the President, or Lord of the Blogs (if I can use such terms...). So nothing has changed there. But the change is to the Administration area of the ANR Blogs. Hopefully this change should have you Blog Owners and Moderators jumping up and down for joy! Or maybe not if Blog Administration doesn't excite you...

So what is this change your asking me? In the Administration section, the Users section has a big change to it. Now it is very easy to see who may post stories to your blog, who are the moderators, adding and removing moderators has been greatly simplified, and links to e-mail all the moderators and users who may post have been added.

I know you're wondering, "How do I find this!!!" and "I want to see this new fan dangled wonder today!" It's quite simple... First you must be a Blog Owner or a Moderator of a Blog to access the Administration area. So if you are simply go to your Blog click on "Administration". From the Administration main menu click "User Administration" and vvvwalla! Just like magic you can see all and do all! And do take special note of your Blog Post settings at the top of the page. As they play an important role as to who can post and who cannot post!

Well that is all for today folks! May your Blogging be frequent, your content full, and your readers many!