Navigation, Float to the Left, Float to the Right

Aug 24, 2011

We are pleased to announce a new Site Builder feature as well as the resurrection of an old broken asset!

First, we've added the option in Site Information and Appearance to have top navigation stick to the left OR the right!


Just toggle "Right" and your top navigation, assuming you're using top navigation, will float right.


One thing to consider if you use the right aligned top navigation, your dropdown menus, if you have them, may extend off of the page. It's a design trainwreck, but one that we could no avoid at this time because of the flexibility built into Site Builder. When we devise a new design, we will take this situation into consideration.


Jon displays the new top navigation alignment with interpretative dance.

The second feature that's not a feature is that the Facebook asset is now working again. A few months ago, Facebook changed the way it handles RSS feeds, and it's these hidden files that drive our asset. Our chief Facebook engineer tracked down the new feed locations (by typing the question into Google), and re-established the connection!

For more information on the Social Media Asset, take a look here.

By Dave Krause
Author - Interim Chief Information Officer