Official social media policies for UC ANR-branded accounts

Social media usage at UC ANR is governed by all official policies. Read the policies listed below before engaging in social media as part of your official duties. All uses of social media must follow the professional ethical standards expected of UC employees. All social media guidelines are in addition to, and complement, existing policies or guidelines regarding the use of technology, computers, email and the internet.

UC ANR reserves the right to block or remove the content of any post that violates UC policies. All content, information and views expressed on social media belong to the individual posting the content and do not necessarily reflect UC ANR’s official policies or positions. UC ANR is not responsible for unanswered posts or inaccurate information posted by others.

The University of California is committed to the principles of academic freedom. In relation to social media, generally this means that UC academics using social media can engage in intellectual debate without fear of censorship or retaliation and have the right to express their views online, provided they are not in conflict with other UC policies and codes of conduct.

UC Electronic Communications Policy

(Robin Sanchez is UC ANR’s policy analyst)

Use of the University’s Name

UC Sexual Harassment Policy

UC Intellectual Property Policies and Guidance

UC Statement of Privacy Values

Social Media Privacy Act

Academic Freedom

UC ANR Principles of Community

Tips for compliance with official UC policies

Ensure content is accessible to those with disabilities. Add captions to photos and videos. Learn the accessibility requirements and periodically test your content for accessibility. Read the Section 508 Standards and the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 and other key resources that discuss them. We also recommend this helpful resource from the University of Minnesota for making your social media content accessible.

Follow laws governing copyright and fair use of copyrighted material owned by others (see University of California intellectual property information and UC Electronic Communications Policy for details). Do not post content that violates any federal or state laws and regulations. When in doubt, don’t post it.

In the spirit of sharing on social networks, it's best to link to others’ work and give them the proper credit, rather than to reproduce it. Another best practice is to ask the owner of the material for permission to post it on social media. Always provide proper attribution on your information and images.

Do not advertise on behalf of external vendors on UC ANR social media presences or endorse third-party products and services. Advertising, solicitation, or overtly favorable acknowledgments or endorsements of third-party products and services constitute a violation of university policy and therefore are not allowed. As a state entity, UC ANR is subject to laws regarding political speech. The University may not endorse/oppose (or contribute to) political candidates, nor may University resources (including University-paid time or equipment) be used for campaign purposes in connection with ballot propositions.

Be aware of the Social Media Privacy Act, which prohibits public and private college employees and representatives from requiring or requesting a student, prospective student or student group to disclose, access or divulge personal social media account information. 

Next: Platform-specific guidelines