Delta Adapts: Adaptation Strategy Grower Survey

Nov 18, 2022

Delta Adapts: Adaptation Strategy Grower Survey

Nov 18, 2022

In 2021, the Delta Stewardship Council, with input from a technical advisory committee, released the report Delta Adapts: Creating a Climate Resilient Future for the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta. The report describes that flooding and water quality impacts, among others, are expected with future climate stressors and chronic changes in climate. The report is also summarized in this story map.

Since releasing the report, the Council has been working with interest groups to develop climate adaptation strategies. The agriculture community was identified as an important interest group, and a group of growers and technical service providers were convened to help identify and mobilize adaptation strategies. I have been serving on this committee as a technical service provider. In that capacity, I am advertising a survey on behalf of staff at the Delta Stewardship Council and the CA Department of Food and Agriculture who are overseeing the effort. The purpose of the survey is to identify what is needed to sustain a climate-resilient agriculture sector in the Delta. The survey aims to assesses growers' preferences and needs for different approaches to climate adaptation, including CDFA's climate smart incentive programs. Please consider filling out the survey to help inform this effort.

2019-3 Staten Island Mt Diablo MLM

By Michelle Leinfelder-Miles
Author - Farm Advisor