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Using cannery wastes on forage cropland

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Publication Information

California Agriculture 30(9):6-7.

Published September 01, 1976

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Wet solid wastes from fruit and vegetable canneries were incorporated into soil used for forage production without producing toxic levels of nitrate in alfalfa But toxic levels did occur in weeds.

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Using cannery wastes on forage cropland

William N. Helphinstine
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Using cannery wastes on forage cropland

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Publication Information

California Agriculture 30(9):6-7.

Published September 01, 1976

PDF  |  Citation  |  Permissions

Author Affiliations show


Wet solid wastes from fruit and vegetable canneries were incorporated into soil used for forage production without producing toxic levels of nitrate in alfalfa But toxic levels did occur in weeds.

Full text

Full text is available in PDF.

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