30 Signs (Plus 1) That You Might be a Gardener...

Jan 28, 2013

30 Signs (Plus 1) That You Might be a Gardener...

Jan 28, 2013


Raised Bed Overflowing with Flowers

In celebration of the Contra Costa Master Gardeners' 30th Anniversary, we came up with 30 (plus 1) signs that you might be a gardener. 
Hope you enjoy them! 

  1. Argues constantly that compost smells sweet.
  2. Delays vacation travel until after the harvest.
  3. Dirt!  In your house, in the trunk of your car, under your fingernails and on your shoes, even the good ones!
  4. Every vacation has a nursery and /or botanic garden involved.
  5. Favorite color is green.
  6. Gets at least a dozen catalogs in the mail - and they send you into a state not experienced since teenage dating.
  7. Gives zucchinis to friends and co-workers (and sometimes the postal deliverer and UPS driver).
  8. Home Depot and nursery's know you by your first name.
  9. Mountain of plastic pots squirrelled away.
  10. Own one too many floppy straw hats.
  11. People share all their plant problems with you.
  12. Pruning clippers in your back pocket.
  13. Seed collecting materials, plant holders and coffee grounds from the coffee shop in the car.
  14. The yard is in better shape than the inside of your house.
  15. There are plants waiting to be added to your garden.
  16. Trays of seedlings on top of your refrigerator/Cuttings in the refrigerator.
  17. Use Latin words in public.
  18. When you tour a garden you first look for their composting set up. 
  19. Won't let anyone else prune the fruit trees.
  20. You drive by any lawn and think, that could be a garden.
  21. You have more pairs of gloves than earrings.
  22. You live in your Carhartts.
  23. You look at vehicles based on how many tools and how much soil/compost/amendments they'll hold.
  24. You stop talking mid-sentence when you see a plant you don't recognize.
  25. You try to save every puny little plant that should have gone into the compost.
  26. You wake up in the middle of a cold night and wonder if you should go out and cover your succulents.
  27. You water other people's plants when out for a walk from your own water bottle if they look thirsty.
  28. You'd give up a movie to trim and weed the garden.
  29. Your fingernails are the shortest they've been since birth.
  30. Your own garden book collection rivals Barnes & Nobles.
  31. You're in a national park and you have to resist the urge to pull weeds.