Tired Garden

Aug 21, 2012

Anybody else thinking that their garden is looking pretty darn peaked? I always seem to have that thought around this time of the year. It's been several weeks of hot weather and no rain. The ground is baked hard as a rock, and everything seems to have bloomed out. I'm on the lookout for inspiration, but even browsing the local nurseries hasn't yielded much to work with. Thank goodness for my iceberg roses - without their constant blooms, my garden would be pretty empty of flowers.

I'm so glad that fall is just around the corner. I'm looking forward to the variety of color the garden offers in the fall. Another month and I'll head out to start on cleaning up, changing, moving, and planting. The best time to plant perennials in our area is the fall, because the plants have a chance to take root in the warm weather, followed by the cold dormant period. Plant in the spring, and the tender plants are quickly subjected to broiling heat.

For now, I'll just continue nursing along what I have out there.