A Growing Enterprise

Sep 13, 2012

Pumpkins! Tomatoes! Peppers! Zucchini! Basil! Squash! Strawberries!  Sounds like a great day at the Farmer's Market or a trip to Larry's.  Right?  Well, all this and more can be found at Marks' Growing Center, a program designed to provide individuals with development disabilities, community access, life skills, and employment.

Found on Leisure Town Road in Vacaville is Hope House, a residential home for adults with special needs, and in the frond yard of this home is a huge vegetable garden, composed of donated plants,  currently reaching  the end of their summer run.  However, the pumpkins are turning orange and the gourds are becoming huge and beautiful.

Volunteering for her second year on  this project, Master Gardener and retired special education teacher, Bernice Stalk has planted, picked, watered, weeded, and sold the vegetables to local eateries with great dedication while encouraging those with special needs to become involved.  These same individual have helped sell their wares at a road side stand set up on some Saturday mornings at their residence, greeting the public, counting out tomatoes and showing off some of their craft items.

These same individuals are excited about manning a booth on October 13th at the last Vacaville Farmer's Market of the season, where they they will be selling zucchini bread, jams, jellies, home made bird houses and other great things for your garden.  Be sure and drop by and say hello.

Volunteers make up the staff as well a functioning  board.  Compost, seeds, time, and plants are donated.  Funds raised help pay for trips and activities for the participants.  More help is needed as the transition to a winter garden is made.  So if you are wanting to get involved, let me know.