SJC and Delta Field Crops Meeting

Dec 10, 2018

UC Cooperative Extension will host the SJC and Delta Field Crops Meeting on Thursday, January 17, 2019 from 8:00am to 12:00pm. The meeting location is the Cabral Agricultural Center in Stockton (2101 E. Earhart Ave., Stockton, CA 95206). The meeting will include presentations related to alfalfa and forages. Coffee and light refreshments will be provided.

The agenda is attached at the bottom of this post, and is as follows:

8:00am     Doors Open and Sign In

8:15am     Nitrogen Stabilizers in Silage Corn, Michelle Leinfelder-Miles, UCCE San Joaquin/Delta Counties

8:45am     Measuring the Interaction between N Demand and Water Use in Irrigated Corn, Mark Lundy, UC Davis

9:15am     Regulatory Update, Tim Pelican, San Joaquin County Agricultural Commissioner

9:30am     Fish Friendly Farming Program for the Delta, Laurel Marcus, California Land Stewardship Institute

9:45am     Break

10:00am   Agronomic Strategies to Improve Alfalfa Pest Management, Dan Putnam, UC Davis

10:30am   Opportunities for Automation and Optimization of Surface Irrigation Systems, Khaled Bali, UCCE, Kearney Research and Extension Center

11:00am   Italian Ryegrass Management in California Wheat Cropping Systems, Mariano Galla, UCCE, Glenn/Butte/Tehama Counties

11:30am   Managing for Soil Health and Soil Salinity, Michelle Leinfelder-Miles, UCCE, San Joaquin/Delta Counties

12:00pm   Evaluations and Adjourn

We have submitted applications for continuing education for pesticide licensing and certified crop advisors. We have also submitted an application for nitrogen management continuing education, which would help to satisfy growers' continuing education requirement for the Irrigated Lands Program. Applications are pending.

Our programs are open to all potential participants. If you require special accommodations, please contact UCCE San Joaquin County at 209-953-6100. Thank you, and hope to see you at the meeting.

By Michelle Leinfelder-Miles
Author - Farm Advisor

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