Gerardo (Gerry) Spinelli
![IMG_4246 IMG_4246](
Production Horticulture Advisor for San Diego County
Powerpoint Presentations
Light Brown Apple Moth (LBAM) Symposium, 2015
A joint agency informational meeting regarding the Light Brown Apple Moth including speakers from UC Cooperative Extension, CDFA, and County of San Diego Agricultural Weights and Measures.
Snail & Slug Symposium, 2013
- Intro to Slugs and Snails
- Slug Control Efforts in Hawaii
- California’s Invasive Snails and Slugs and a Novel Approach to their Control
- Shipping Nursery Stock to States with Snail Restrictions-What You Need to Know
- Winning the Shell Game: Amber Snail Management for Nurseries
Eye Gnat Research and Education Symposium, 2012
- Nuisance Eye Gnats and Eye Flies: 50 Years Experience
- Eye Flies in Southeast Asia, with Particular Reference to Thailand
- San Diego County Eye Gnat Research and Education Project
- Other Nuisance Flies Not to be confused with Eye Gnats
- Eye gnat population control in Coachella Valley
- Eye Gnats in Jacumba: The Communities Perspective
- Cooperative Extension’s Role in solving Urban and Agriculture Issues
- Impact of Eye Gnats on Farming in San Diego County
- Eye gnats: San Diego County Department of Environmental Health Perspective
- Improvements in Eye Gnat Mass Trapping in San Diego County
- Eye Gnat Population Reduction in San Diego County and Future Research
Entomology Conference, 2012
- Management of Invasive Species in Landscapes
- European Pepper Moth: A New Invasive Pest
- How Effective is Sharpshooter Control at Limiting Pierce's Disease Spread?
- Establishment of Tamarixia, a Parasitoid of Asian Citrus Psyllid
- Update on Recent Nursery Pests
- Bagrada Bug: Biology, Host Range, and Effects on Cole Crops
- Use of Chemical Ecology to Solve Pest Management Issues
- The Polyphagous Shot Hole Borer, Euwallacea fornicatus, a New Invasive Pest in Southern California
- Citrus Pests: Web Resources
- Pesticide Residues and the Glassy-winged Sharpshooter
Diaprepes Root Weevil Workshop, 2011
- Research with Diaprepes Root Weevil with an Emphasis on Classical Biological Control
- Diaprepes Update Development of an IPM System
- Seasonal Occurrence of Diaprepes abbreviates in Encinitas, CA
- Nursery Best Management Practices (BMPs) and Understanding Pesticide Treatment Options
BFG Horticultural Expo, Minneapolis, 2010
- Insecticide Resistance Management and Rotation
- Management Trials Against Difficult Pests
Nursery Greenhouse Seminar at the South Coast Winery, 2010
The Latest Management Trials Against Insect Pest Invaders to Southern California
Encouragement and Admonishment: A Presentation to the Hawaii Export Nursery Assoc., 2010
- Encouragement and Admonishment
- I can’t
- Impact on California’s ornamental production
- Dealing with Roadblocks
Introduction to the Wonderful World of Insects: Master Gardener Class
- Taxonomy
- The Insects
- The Orders
Beneficial Insects: Master Gardener Advanced Class
- Define some terms
- Define predator, parasite, and parasitoid
- Take a look at the some of the more common beneficial insects
- Odd balls
- Microscope and question and answer time