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Designing, Improving & Maintaining Rural Roads

Tuolumne road
December 13, 2013, 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Jamestown Community Hall, 18250 Main Street Jamestown, CA 

Workshop Objectives: 

  • Provide landowners and land managers with information on the design and functions of low standard roads used for agriculture, resource management, residential access and recreation
  • Provide tools for evaluating the conditions and environmental impacts of existing roads
  • Introduce landowners to practices that may be used to improve existing roads and eliminate problems
  • Outline procedures for maintaining roads to reduce potential for failure or impaired functioning especially in the aftermath of the Rim Fire


8:00-8:30        Registration and Introduction

8:30-9:15        Fundamentals of Rural Roads—Richard Harris, Ph.D., Northern California Society of American Foresters

9:15-10:00      Geology and Roads—Michael Fuller, California Geological Survey

10:00-10:15    Break

10:15-11:00    Stream Crossings—Pete Cafferata, CALFIRE

11:00-11:45    Road Inventory and Treatments—Richard Harris

11:45-12:10    Sources of Technical and Financial Assistance—TBD, USDA Natural Resource Conservation Service

12:10-1:00      Lunch and Travel to Field Sites

1:00-4:30        Field Trip to View Management Approaches (weather permitting)

4:30                 Adjourn

Sponsored By: 

Northern California Society of American Foresters, UC Cooperative Extension, Central Sierra, California Geological Survey, CALFIRE, USDA Natural Resource Conservation Service

Partial Funding Provided By:

US Forest Service, State and Private Forestry


Registration is required. There is no fee. Please register here. Please bring a lunch and wear clothes appropriate to the weather. The field trip will be held if weather permits. Otherwise, it will be re-scheduled for the spring. Light refreshments will be served at the break. Transportation to field sites will be by means of car pooling from the workshop site.

For More Information:

Contact Richard Harris, (707) 685-5508 or Susie Kocher (530) 542-2571, sdkocher@ucanr.edu

Flyer for Tuolumne Roads Workshop 12-13-2013