Roads and Road Management in the Tahoe Basin
Workshop on June 13-14, 2013 at the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency office, Stateline, NV and
Field trips on July 15th and 30th, 2013

The objectives of this workshop were to: 1) to describe the functions of roads in the basin; 2) to examine the positive and negative environmental effects of roads; 3) to present road inventories prepared by the principal road managers; 4) to describe efforts underway to improve the environmental performance of roads; and 5) to present case studies demonstrating economic benefits of roads, best management practices and monitoring procedures.
The objective of the field trips will be to observe and discuss approaches for minimizing the hydrologic and water quality impacts of un-surfaced roads. Although attendance at the workshop on June 13-14 is not required, it is strongly recommended for field trip participants.
Workshop/Field Trip Sponsors
This workshop and field trips are co-sponsored by the Northern California Society of American Foresters, Lahontan Water Quality Control Board, University of California Cooperative Extension, Tahoe Regional Planning Agency, California State Parks Department and US Forest Service, Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit. Both are supported in part by a grant from the US Forest Service, State and Private Forestry.
For more information on the field trips and to register, click here, or go to
Tahoe Roads Field Trip July 15th & 30th, 2013 Flyer
Additional resources available include a series of nine webinars on rural road management and a resource page with relevant papers and guidebooks posted.
June 13
8:30 Opening: Dr. Richard Harris, NorCal Society of American Foresters
8:45 Keller - Road Standards, Maintenance Levels, and Road Uses : Gordon Keller, US Forest Service, Retired
9:30 Tahoe Basin Regulations Affecting Road Management and Uses:
Cushman - Lahontan Regional Quality Regulations at Lake Tahoe : Doug Cushman, Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board and
Volmer - TRPA Regulations on Native Surfaced Roads : Mike Vollmer, Tahoe Regional Planning Agency
10:30 Coe - Rural Roads Hydrologic and Water Quality Impacts : Drew Coe, Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board
11:15 Jacobsen - Roads and Wildlife & Impacts and Solutions : Sandra Jacobson, US Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Research Station
1:30 Road Inventories in the Tahoe Basin
1:30-2:15 Villanueva -Road Inventories in the Lake Tahoe Basin : Garrett Villanueva, Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit
2:15-2:45 Fuller California State Parks Road Assessments : Michael Fuller, California Geological Survey
3:00 Road Upgrading and Decommissioning
3:00-3:30 Harris - Improving and Maintaining Roads to Reduce Impacts on Water Quality : Richard Harris, Nor Cal Society of American Foresters
3:30-4:15 Burge - USFS Road Management in the Tahoe Basin : Jordan Burge, Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit
4:15-5:00 Drake - Road Decommissioning and TMDL Implementation Homewood Case Study : Kevin Drake, Integrated Environmental Restoration Services
June 14
8:30-10:00 Keller - Low-Volume Roads Engineering Best Practices : Gordon Keller
Low Volume Road Engineering Best Management Practices Selected References-Update June 18 2013
Keller - Recycled Asphalt Pavement Information & Comments
10:15-11:00 West - Prevention of Exotic Invasive Species Introduction : Wendy West, UC Cooperative Extension
11:00-11:45 Casaday - Temporary Erosion Control for Road Construction Projects in Lake Tahoe : Ethan Casaday, Tahoe Regional Planning Agency
11:45-12:30 Norman - LTBMU Road BMP Retrofit Monitoring Program : Sue Norman, Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit
For more information
Contact Dr. Richard Harris, or (707) 685-5508. Download the workshop flyer:
Final Tahoe Roads and Road Management Workshop 6-13 & 14 2013 Flyer