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Economic Considerations

Though landowners may have a variety of reasons for owning forest land, the fact remains that forest land is a significant financial investment. To manage this investment well, it’s important to understand what can produced on it, including both timber and non-timber forest products. The monetary value of timber is part of the price, value and taxation of the property, even for landowners who have no plans to harvest it. Non timber forest products, including medicinal, floral, and edible plants and fungi, Christmas greenery and craft materials, have also been increasing in value in recent years.

Steps in the process of selling timber include measuring the timber volume, developing an approved timber harvest plan in collaboration with a registered professional forester, estimating value and costs, developing contracts, and marketing. For small scale owners, this process can be very complicated, but it can be done successfully with the assistance of the appropriate professionals. For more information on realizing the economic value of forested land, please see Forest Stewardship Series 21 - Economic Considerations in Forest Stewardship