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Ties to the Land Workshops

Forest landowners and their family members are invited to a  workshop to learn simple techniques to help you pass your land and its legacy on to the next generation. Succession planning involves more than just having a will or an estate plan, as those legal tools will only ensure your heirs inherit the property, but not that they will want to carry out the vision for it or even want to keep it. Succession planning helps you pass on more than just the land. However, passing on your passion takes preparation and planning. The Ties to the Land Workshops are designed to give you a firm understanding of the succession planning process and the tools to get started. 

What to expect?

The material will be similar between locations, so families can attend a workshop of their convenience, or split their participation among locations.  The workshop focuses on learning the steps to succession planning, clarifying values and goals for the family forest, taking home tools to determine heirs' interests, gaining knowledge of legal and other business considerations, and understanding the financial impacts of ownership transfers across generations.

Additionally, the workshop will focus on financial and legal approaches and tools (trusts, limited liability companies, easements, etc) and specific resource management planning approaches.

 Costs and registration

The cost is $25 per family for the workbook and DVD. If you want more than one workbook per family, please register separately.  Light refreshments will be provided at each workshop. Multiple members of each family are encouraged to attend both workshops and can attend the workshop location nearest to them as the curriculum will be the same. Payment is only required for the first workshop.

Registration is required. Please click here to go the registration site.

For more information

Please contact Rick Standiford, standifo@berkely.edu, UC Center for Forestry, at 510-643-5428 or contact your local UC Cooperative Extension office near to the workshop location.