Huron Elementary Students Learn about Plant Parts

May 20, 2015

Huron Elementary Students Learn about Plant Parts

May 20, 2015

Did you know an eggplant and a chili pepper are fruits? First grade students at Huron Elementary know!

This week, all first grade students at Huron Elementary participated in an interactive plant part lesson where students had the opportunity to see, touch, and smell various plant parts.

Some vegetables were new and unfamiliar, like the Daikon. While others, like the carrot, were our much-loved vegetable. Although, students did not see just any carrots- they saw purple and yellow carrots!


Students interest is sparked and they are eager to learn more about the vegetables they observe. Pictured above are first grade teachers Lisa Rodriguez (far left) and Kaylee Cardosa (right).


Nutrition Educator Emily Harris teaches students about roots, stems, and flowers.

Students learned about phytochemicals at the beginning of the year and about the importance of eating a variety, all the colors of the rainbow, of fruits and vegetables. This lesson helped reinforce this concept and showcased all plant parts: root, stem, leaves, flower, fruit, and seeds.

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Students also sang along with Ms. Harris:

“Roots, stems, leaves, flower, fruit, and seeds. That's six parts, six parts, six plant parts that plants and people need.”


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It has been such a pleasure teaching and encouraging students to live healthier and happier lives!


Good job Huron Elementary and keep up the great work!

By Consuelo Cid
Author - Nutrition Program Coordinator
By Emily Harris
Contributor - Marketing Program Coordinator
By Erika Paggett
Contributor - Community Education Specialist I