#Flashback Friday: Encouraging Healthy Habits Among Fresno County Families

Sep 4, 2015

#Flashback Friday: Encouraging Healthy Habits Among Fresno County Families

Sep 4, 2015

The UC CalFresh Nutrition Education Program maintains a well-established partnership with Bringing Broken Neighborhoods Back to Life (BBNBTL). BBNBTL hosts summer community outreach events throughout the City of Fresno to build trust and deliver resources to the community. 


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The entire family enjoys the lively music and upbeat atmosphere while they learn about the community resources available to them. 


 Community Education Specialists Consuelo Cid and Maira Enriquez attended the Vang Pao Elementary & Sequoia Middle School Community Block Party. They delivered nutrition and physical activity education to the entire family. Parents and children alike learned about MyPlate and the importance of eating healthfully and staying active. The entire family was reminded to include a variety of fruits and vegetables in their diet, choose lean meats and poultry, select more whole grains, and consume low-fat (1% milk) or fat-free dairy products. The entire family had fun learning about healthy eating and physical activity habits in an environment that was safe and nurturing. 


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Community Education Specialist, Consuelo Cid (pictured above) showcases the MyPlate interactive display. The Myplate food icon always provides an excellent icebreaker to spark conversation about healthy eating! 


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Community Education Specialist, Maira Enriquez (pictured above) engages and teaches participants about the importance of eating healthfully and staying active.  



We would like to thank Bringing Broken Neighborhoods Back to Life for hosting such a wonderful family event and for their commitment to enhancing communities throughout Fresno County. We look forward to attending more community block parties next summer!