Welcome! New Program Coordinators

Jul 8, 2020
Welcome! New Coordinators

The statewide office is thrilled to introduce two new Program Coordinators that started with the UC Master Gardener Program in Spring 2020. Please join us in giving them a warm welcome! 

Sherida Phibbs

Sherida Phibbs
Humboldt and Del Norte Counties

Sherida Phibbs joined Humboldt and Del Norte County UCCE offices as the new UC Master Gardener Program Coordinator in March 2020. She recently relocated to Humboldt County from San Joaquin County, where she was a UC Master Gardener Program volunteer for many years.

The beaches, redwoods, and weather of the North Coast have always attracted Sherida and her husband as their “go-to getaway” from California's Central Valley. They now make their home in Fortuna. Sherida retired from a business administration career lastly serving as the financial controller for a federal and state-funded non-profit organization. Previously, she served as a corporate vice president and corporate controller/accountant. In addition to her love of gardening, Sherida is an award-winning photographer.

Sherida received her UC Master Gardener and UC Master Food Preserver certifications from San Joaquin County. Being a very active UC Master Gardener, Sherida earned her Gold Badge within her first two years of volunteer service. She enjoys being the facilitator for events and projects. “I enjoy planning and creating projects and events for UC Master Gardeners who can showcase their skills and knowledge for our community,” says Sherida, “Being a UC Master Gardener coordinator gives me an opportunity to make a difference for my fellow UC Master Gardeners and my community.”

Michelle Stout
Michelle Stout
Mendocino County

Michelle Stout joined UCCE Mendocino as an Administrative Assistant and UC Master Gardener Coordinator in April 2020. Michelle is originally from the East Bay, near Oakland, Calif. but has been a resident of Ukiah, Mendocino County since 1978.

She grew up visiting backyard gardens and family ranches throughout Northern California and has fond memories of collecting the eggs from the chickens in the morning, watering plants in the afternoon and pulling weeds in between. Michelle knows well that the best part of gardening is sharing food with loved ones. “We used to pick fresh blackberries and raspberries to bake pies with my great-grandma. Nonna would always encourage us to pick zucchini flowers that we would stuff and bake together,” says Michelle.

Michelle has been employed with the County of Mendocino since 2015, after more than a decade in the private sector. Initially appointed with the County of Mendocino's executive office facilities and fleet division, she joined UCCE Mendocino this April as its administrative assistant. Michelle is excited to learn about the UC Master Gardeners Program and the coordinator role, all while she plants a flower and food garden at her new home.

By Marisa A Coyne
Author - Assistant Director for Volunteer and Community Engagement