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About Succulents
San Anselmo Library
110 Tunstead Avenue
San Anselmo, CA 94960
Contact: Serianna Leyland at: sleyland@townofsananselmo.org
Sponsor: UC Marin Master Gardeners

Program: Come and discover succulents and their culture. Learn about their growing habits, how to propagate them, prune them and see a demonstration on how to re-pot them. If you have questions regarding problems with your succulents you may bring a printed photo or iPad for discussion.

Speaker: Gary Bartl, a UC Marin Master Gardener since 2001, has over 25-years of gardening experience. Trained in counseling psychology, Gary, known as an 'edu-tainer', has combined his passion for gardening, particularly succulents, with his professional work with severely emotionally disturbed youth. Gary was lead designer in the development of the succulent garden at the Falkirk Cultural Center in San Rafael that is now managed and maintained by UC Marin Master Gardeners.

Cost: FREE

Contact: Serianna Leyland, 415-258-4656