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Growing Roses
Fairfax Library
2097 Sir Francis Drake Blvd.
Fairfax, CA
Contact: Willow Taraja at: wtaraja@marincounty.org
Sponsor: UC Marin Master Gardeners

Program: Come and learn how to select, grow, and prune roses for our local gardens. There will be a demonstration on how to prune roses during the class.

Speaker: Rod Kerr is a Master Gardener who has been growing and tending roses for more than 30 years. He has been teaching classes on growing roses to master gardeners and residents of Marin for many years. Rod was the Co-President of the UC Marin Master Gardeners from 2018 to 2020.

Cost: FREE

Sponsored by Marin Master Gardeners and Fairfax Library

Contact: Willow Taraja, LA II, MCFL Fairfax, wtaraja@marincounty.org, 
Office: 415-453-8151, Mobile: 707-326-1652