Invasive Shot Hole Borer and Goldspotted Oak Borer Workshop



Tree photo

Beetle borers. They are very small and they cause a lot of damage to trees, including death.

These insects have not been found yet in our County but they are very close and we are especially concerned about the ISHB which can attack over 110 tree species. Many of these are native riparian species such as Sycamore, Cottonwood, Alder, Willows, Box Elders and this insect also attacks coast live oak and valley oaks.

Cal Fire, the City of San Luis Obispo and UC Ag and Natural Resources are offering a workshop to educate the public about these two serious pests. Early efforts and education are key in preventing an attack on a wide range of tree species in San Luis Obispo County.

SLO ISHB GSOB Workshop Flyer

Here is a message from Kim Corella of Cal Fire:

I am excited to announce that we are having an invasive shot hole borer (ISHB) and goldspotted oak borer (GSOB) workshop here in San Luis Obispo on May 9th from 9:30-2:30.  

This workshop will address biology, identification, surveillance, and management of infested trees, downed wood, and firewood. We'll cover these topics in the classroom, then have a hands-on lab to learn how to identify signs of shot hole borer damage, set up a monitoring program, and sample trees. 

$30.00 registration fee includes lunch, a ISHB Field Guide, and ISHB Demonstration Kit. Pre-registration is required. Click here to register.

We have applied for CEU's from the Department of Pesticide Regulation and the International Society for Arboriculture. 

For more information on the training and to register, visit

Kim Corella, Forest Pest Specialist, Cal Fire

Thank you, Kim, for keeping us well-informed!

By Maria Murrietta
Author - Program Coordinator MG/MFP
By Kim Corella