
By Dale Norrington, Master Gardener

A kiss beneath the mistletoe is a Christmas tradition the origins of which may predate Christianity.  Lore and legend tell of white-robed Druid priests climbing sacred oaks to cut mistletoe for fertility rituals at winter solstice, centuries before the birth of Christ.

While mistletoe continues to play its part in our wintertime tradition, it plays a role in the garden as well.

A broadleaf, evergreen plant which produces its own nutrients through photosynthesis, mistletoe is also a parasite which utilizes its host for support, water, and additional nutrients.  Mistletoe reproduces by flowering and producing smallish, sticky white berries, and seed.  It is spread when its fruit and seed drop, stick to, and germinate on lower branches, or are eaten and dispersed to neighboring trees by animals and birds.  Cedar waxwings, robins, juncos, and thrushes are among the many birds which feast on the fruits of mistletoe.  Mistletoe causes the formation of witches’ brooms, densely irregular clumps of branches, which are used by birds and small mammals for nesting and cover.

Several species of mistletoe occur among landscape trees.  Phoradendron macrophyllum grows in ash, alder, birch, box elder, cottonwood, locust, silver maple, walnut, and zelkova.  P. Villosum grows only on oaks, and Arceuthobium spp., a dwarf mistletoe, is found on conifers.

Healthy trees can generally tolerate some mistletoe.  Heavier infestations, though, can lead to stunting or death of host trees.  The most effective method of control is removal of branches upon which mistletoe grows.  Thinning cuts are recommended, made at least one foot below the point of attachment of the mistletoe.  Pruning off the mistletoe itself will slow its growth and ability to spread to other trees.  While it will often re-sprout, it will not flower and produce seed for several years.

Mistletoe can be thoroughly wetted with ethephon, a growth regulator, while its host tree is dormant.  This will cause some clumps to fall, though they will often re-sprout.  As with any chemical, label directions should be followed carefully.

Resistant species such as Chinese pistache, persimmon,
Bradford flowering pear, crape myrtle, ginkgo, liquidamber, and sycamore may be used in or near heavily infested areas.

A kiss beneath the mistletoe is an ancient tradition linked by lore and legend to the time of the winter solstice.  While mistletoe continues to play its part in our wintertime tradition, it plays a role in the garden as well. 

A broadleaf, evergreen plant which produces its own nutrients through photosynthesis, mistletoe is also a parasite which utilizes its host for support, water, and additional nutrients.  Mistletoe reproduces by flowering and producing smallish, sticky white berries, and seed.  It is spread when its fruit and seed drop, stick to, and germinate on lower branches, or are eaten and dispersed to neighboring trees by animals and birds.  Cedar waxwings, robins, juncos, and thrushes are among the many birds which feast on the fruits of mistletoe.

Mistletoe causes the formation of witches’ brooms, densely irregular clumps of branches, which are used by birds and small mammals for nesting and cover.

Several species of mistletoe occur among landscape trees.  Phoradendron macrophyllum grows in ash, alder, birch, box elder, cottonwood, locust, silver maple, walnut, and zelkova.  P. Villosum grows only on oaks, and Arceuthobium spp., a dwarf mistletoe, is found on conifers. 

Healthy trees can generally tolerate some mistletoe.  Heavier infestations, though, can lead to stunting or death of host trees.  Pruning off the mistletoe itself will slow its growth and ability to spread to other trees.  The most effective method of control is removal of branches upon which mistletoe grows.  Thinning cuts are recommended, made at least one foot below the point of attachment of the mistletoe.  While it will often re-sprout, it will not flower and produce seed for several years.

Mistletoe can be thoroughly wetted with ethephon, a growth regulator, while its host tree is dormant.  This will cause some clumps to fall, though they will often re-sprout.  As with any chemical, label directions should be followed carefully.

So enjoy the role which mistletoe plays during the holiday season and in the garden ecosystem, control it if need be, and on behalf of the UC Master Gardener Program Garden Notes writers – "Happy Holidays."

University of California Cooperative Extension Master Gardener Volunteers can provide additional gardening information upon request .Call the San Luis Obispo office at 781-5939 on Mondays and Thursdays from 1 to 5 PM.  You may also call the Paso Robles office at 237-3100 on Wednesdays from 9 AM to 12 PM.  The San Luis Obispo Master Gardeners website is at http://groups.ucanr.org/slomg/.  Questions can be e-mailed to: mgsanluisobispo@ucdavis.edu.