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Nevada and Placer Counties 4-H Presentation and Interview Contest Event
Contact: Jill Simmons
Sponsor: Nevada County 4-H Youth Development Program

County Presentations and Interview Contest

Saturday, February 22

Presenter registration is required and due by February 18. Please register HERE

Evaluators, Room Coordinators, and Room Clerks are needed! Please register HERE

This year's event will include a 4-H Interview Contest. Please register HERE To learn about the job descriptions, resume, cover letter and basic contest information, including the evaluation rubric, reading the contest manual and contest guidelines, visit the Interview Contest page.


Public speaking continues to be a cornerstone of the University of California 4-H Youth Development Program (UC 4-H). To prepare for a 4-H presentation, youth learn how to:
??Research a subject
??Organize ideas in a logical order
??Share knowledge with others
??Create and use graphics to support their presentation
When youth teach project skills in a presentation format, it demonstrates advanced skills and a deeper understanding of what was learned. Share what you've learned; give a 4-H presentation.

For information about 4-H Presentations, please use the California 4-H Presentation Manual

Please use the Matrix of UC 4-H Presentation Formats to help you choose the right type of presentation to enter. This chart tells you all of the elements your presentation will need.

Nevada and Placer Counties 4-H Presentation Day
Hosted by Chicago Park 4-H Club
February 22, 2025
Magnolia Intermediate School
22431 Kingston Ln
Grass Valley, CA 95949 
            9:00  Orientation for Evaluators, Room Coordinators, Room      Clerks
            9:00  Presenters arrive and report to assigned rooms
            9:30  Opening assembly
            9:45  Presentations begin
          12:00  Awards (Time is approximate)
          12:15  On your way home (Time is approximate)
Presentatons and Interview Contest