Posts Tagged: variety
You, too, can grow California’s oldest living orange variety
Sweet Mother Orange Tree released from quarantine
The 1000th tree okayed for growing by California's Citrus Clonal Protection Program happens to be the oldest living orange variety in the state.
The program, housed at UC Riverside, is the first of its kind in the world. It began in the 1950s, and its scientists spend up to three years testing and clearing citrus trees of disease so they can be released to commercial and private growers.
By law, every citrus tree newly propagated in California can be traced back to one mother tree created at UCR through the protection program. Program Director Georgios Vidalakis and his group begin their process by testing incoming trees for more than 30 citrus diseases, whether the diseases are known to have emerged in the state or not.
The treatment for any disease identified in that first round of testing is to make a new mini tree from a few cells of the original budwood — short, leafless twigs with buds meant for propagation. “We use special plant cells for this process that diseases cannot penetrate,” Vidalakis said.
After the mini tree grows large enough, program scientists go back and do a second round of testing for disease, making sure they picked the right cells for propagation and eliminating any prior trace of illness.
If it passes the arduous second set of tests, the new tree gets a variety index or VI number that accompanies it for the rest of its life, and it is released to the public.
Dubbed the Mother Orange Tree, Bidwell's Bar is a sweet Mediterranean orange brought to California from Mazatlán, Mexico, and planted in 1856. It was first planted near the Bidwell Bar Bridge near Oroville, then dug up and replanted twice.
Its survival skills are some of the reasons Tom Delfino, former California Citrus Nursery Society director, recommended the old orange tree for the protection program.
“Apparently this variety is very rugged,” Delfino said. “Not only has it survived a lot of cold Northern California winters, but the tree has been dug up and replanted twice — once to protect it from impending flood, and again to make way for the Oroville Dam.”
Much of the state's orange industry is based in areas with warm weather. Delfino, who lives in the San Francisco Bay Area, finds citrus an exciting challenge to grow. By suggesting Bidwell's Bar for approval, he was hoping the protection program would clear it so he could buy its budwood.
On the occasions he has visited the original tree, Delfino said the fruit in reaching distance was always gone. “I think it must be tasty because locals grab it for themselves,” he said. “Makes me even more eager to grow and eat my own. I'm extremely pleased the VI testing is completed so I can acquire it.”
Delfino also hopes that this variety will catch on with commercial growers.
“My thought is our citrus industry is concentrated in the southeastern San Joaquin Valley and is subject to a number of pests that like the warm climate there,” Delfino said. “Though this has seeds, which may be a deterrent, it can be grown in colder areas that discourage some of those insects.”
The tree arrived in California nearly two decades before the better-known Washington Navel orange grown by Eliza Tibbets in Riverside. The navel is named for a structure at the bottom end of the fruit, which resembles a belly button. This structure is actually a separate fruit inside the larger fruit. The Washington Navel is also seedless, contributing to its popularity.
“Bidwell's Bar is an example of what was grown in California before the Washington Navel came to dominate, and now that it has a VI number, others can grow it too,” said Tracy Kahn, curator of the Givaudan Citrus Variety Collection at UCR.
Kahn says it's important to preserve the genetic material from a tree with such significance to California. “Some people were worried it was going to die, but now we have an officially cleared source of this historic tree, and it is protected for future generations,” Kahn said.
/h3>UC Davis team identifies wheat gene that increases yield
The findings could help growers produce more wheat without expanding operation
A team of scientists from University of California, Davis, have identified a new gene variant in wheat that can increase the amount of the grain produced, new research published in the journal PLOS Genetics finds.
Wheat is a staple of food diets worldwide and the gene discovery could allow farmers to grow more food without increasing land use. Increased yield could also lower consumer prices, making the crop more accessible.
“We have a growing human population that likes to eat every day,” said Jorge Dubcovsky, a plant sciences distinguished professor who led the research. “We need to produce more wheat in the same space so we need plants that are more productive.”
The researchers found a gene – WAPO1 – that controls the maximum number of grains in a wheat spike. Breeding the beneficial gene variant into the plants could delay the formation of the terminal spikelet, providing room for more grains to grow in each spike rather than ending production of grain.
WAPO1 is one of the first genes discovered that can affect wheat yield. “We are trying to make more productive wheat varieties and we are starting to understand how that trait is controlled,” Dubcovsky said.
Pasta wheat lacking the gene
The gene variant for high grain number is found frequently in bread wheats but not in pasta wheats. By breeding the beneficial gene variant into those pasta wheat varieties, growers could increase yield by 4% to 5% in cultivars that have the biomass capacity to fill the extra grains.
“We developed molecular markers to select for the form of that gene to produce increased yield,” Dubcovsky said. “It's a significant step forward.”
Previous research by the team mapped the gene and identified others that could affect yield. This research confirmed those findings for WAPO1.
Discovery on path to future yield increases
The WAPO1 gene is part of a network of genes that work together to control yield, and researchers need to identify the best variant combinations to maximize yield. Solving this puzzle can lead to better production rates.
“We will continue to try to understand the network of genes that control the yield of wheat,” he said.
Saarah Kuzay, Huiqiong Lin, Chengxia Li, Shisheng Chen, Daniel P. Woods and Junli Zhang from UC Davis also contributed to the research, as did scientists from Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Heinrich Heine University and Peking University Institute of Advanced Agricultural Sciences.
Funding was provided by USDAs National Institute of Food and Agriculture's Food Research Initiative, the International Wheat Yield Partnership and Howard Hughes Medical Institute.
/h3>/h3>/h2>Es bueno saber un poco sobre los frijoles
Si se dice a si misma “no sé nada de los frijoles”, pero lo cierto es que debería saber más.
Los frijoles son uno de los cultivos más antiguos de la civilización que se remonta a los inicios del séptimo milenio A.C. Hoy día existen más de 40,000 variedades de frijoles en todo el mundo.
Los frijoles también pueden ocupar un lugar en la mesa de Acción de Gracias. El blog Maple Spice para veganos comparte un sustituto sin carne para el pavo que combina frijoles blancos canelli machacados, levadura nutricional, gluten de trigo vital y especies para crear una hogaza que se puede partir en tajadas igual que la pechuga de pavo. UC CalFresh, uno de los programas de educación sobre nutrición de Agricultura y Recursos Naturales (UC Agriculture and Natural Resources), elaboraron una receta para una ensalada de frijoles negros y mango la cual puede servir como un platillo de guarnición saludable y colorido para una comida tradicional de Acción de Gracias. (Al final del documento le ofrecemos la receta).
"No solo son los frijoles una opción de alimento saludable, sino que también son una opción saludable para nuestro mundo", dijo la asesora de Extensión Cooperativa de UC y experta en frijoles secos Rachael Freeman Long. "Los frijoles fijan la mayor parte de su propio nitrógeno por lo que requieren de menos insumos para su producción, comparados con otras fuentes de proteína, ¡y son baratos! Además, algunos, como los garbanzos, son cultivados durante la temporada de invierno, por lo que dependen menos del riego".
Entre las diferentes variedades de frijoles se incluyen los garbanzos, el frijol de castilla, habas y el frijol común como el pinto y rojo.
Probablemente usted no encontrará una aficionada más grande que Rachael Long. "Yo los como por lo menos una vez a la semana o más", señaló la experta. "Me gusta visitar nuestra página Web Cal Beans y sacar recetas nuevas. En la temporada de verano, me encantan los frijoles en mi ensalada, especialmente los garbanzos. En esta época del año, me encantan las sopas con frijoles. Mi favorita es la de col rizada con frijoles blancos y salchicha. Si deseo que sea vegetariano, no le pongo la salchicha o algunas veces frío un poco de salchicha de tofu para darle sabor. Justo esta es la sopa que publicamos en el actual blog de frijoles. Yo tomé la receta original de un miembro del personal de nutrición de nuestra oficina".
Long señala que Cal Beans es también un importante sitio para los cultivadores y la industria del frijol. "(El sitio) está apoyado por la Junta Asesora sobre los Frijoles Secos de California (California Dry Bean Advisory Board) una importante fuente para mi trabajo. En estos momentos, cuento con un subsidio para analizar la humedad y calidad de las semillas en la cosecha (quizás secar mucho las semillas durante la cosecha da como resultado un daño interno a los frijoles que se usan para sembrar)".
¿Qué sabe usted sobre frijoles? ¿Sabía que en California se cultivan los frijoles con la calidad (necesaria) para enlatar?
"Contamos con las condiciones climáticas perfectas para esos frijoles grandes color beige cremoso", expresó Long. "Otros estados como Washington cultivan alrededor de cien mil acres de garbanzos para la pasta humus (pero un frijol de menor calidad y no podemos competir con el agua gratis que reciben a través de la lluvia".
Long resalta que los granjeros de California suministran virtualmente toda la producción de habas de nuestro país. En el 2012, los granjeros de California cultivaron alrededor de tres mil acres de habas grandes y pequeñas, valoradas ese año en 30 millones de dólares, según el Servicio Nacional de Estadísticas Agrícolas (National Agricultural Statistics Service).
Long ha escrito dos manuales sobre frijoles para UC ANR, el Manual para la producción de habas en California y la producción del frijol común (Lima Bean Production in California and Common Dry Bean Production Manual) y está por terminar el manual para la producción de garbanzo (está siendo revisado por colegas).
"Las habas son un importante cultivo de frijoles secos para California, representan una porción significativa de la superficie total de cultivo de frijoles en el 2013", escribió la experta en Produccion de Habas en California (Lima Bean Production in California). "Las habas son principalmente cultivadas para su consumo en California, sin embargo, una superficie limitada pero estable también se dedica a la producción de semillas. Al igual que con todos los frijoles secos, las habas son una opción alimentaria nutritiva y saludable, y una excelente fuente de proteína, fibra, vitaminas y minerales. Las hablas son también una importante rotación de cultivos para los granjeros, ya que las plantan fijan el nitrógeno, agregan biomasa al suelo y requieren de relativamente pocos pesticidas".
Las habas pertenecen a la especie Phaseolus lunatus, a diferencia del frijol común, P. vulgaris.
"El frijol seco común incluye los tipos del supermercado como el rojo grande, cranberry, rosado, negro, blanco, amarillo, pinto y rojo chico, tipos diferentes de una sola especie (Phaseolus vulgaris), la cual fue originalmente domesticada varios miles de años atrás en áreas que pertenecen ahora a México y Sudamérica", escribió Long en el Manual de producción de frijol seco común. "La selección natural y los programas de producción llevaron a las clases que se venden actualmente, las cuales son principalmente distinguibles por el tamaño, color y forma de la semilla y la forma en que crecen las plantas. En el presente, no existen variedades genéticamente modificadas de P. vulgaris que estén comercialmente disponibles."
"Los frijoles secos", enfatiza Long, "son cultivados en California principalmente para consumo humano, pero, una superficie limitada pero estable está dedicada a la producción de semilla. Los frijoles secos son nutritivos: tienen un alto contenido de almidón, proteína y fibra dietética, no tienen colesterol y son una excelente fuente de hierro, potasio, selenio, molibdeno, tiamina, vitamina B6 y ácido fólico. El Departamento de Agricultura de EUA considera que los frijoles secos son una verdura y una fuente de proteína".
Rosane Oliveira, directora del Programa de Medicina Integradora de UC Davis (UC Davis Integrative Medicine Program) y profesora asistente adjunta del Departamento de Ciencias de la Salud de la Facultad de Medicina de UC Davis, recientemente calificó a los frijoles como una de las plantas "Fab 4" en su blog "21-Day Food Challenge" (El reto alimentario de los 21 días).
Oliveira dice que los frijoles son un alimento genial, porque:
- Son una excelente fuente de fibra, proteína, hierro y magnesio
- Podrían agregar hasta tres o cuatro años a su vida si come una taza al día
- Mantienen sus niveles de azúcar estables hasta durante seis horas
- Mejora su salud cardiovascular
- Reduce el riesgo de padecer de diabetes tipo 2
De hecho, existe un Día Nacional del Frijol que se celebra anualmente el 6 de enero. ¿Desea saber más sobre frijoles? Puede encontrar bastante información en dry beans from the U.S. Dry Bean Council.
Para concluir: los frijoles deberían formar una parte importante de su alimentación. Los puede llamar “nutritivos" o “deliciosos", o simplemente "geniales". Son las tres cosas.
Ensalada de frijoles negros y mango de UC CalFresh
- 1 lata de 15 onzas de frijoles negros, enjuagados y escurridos
- 2 tazas de mango fresco cortado en cuadritos (dos mangos pequeños)
- 1/4 taza de cebollines verdes en tajadas
- 1/4 chile morrón picado
- 2 cucharadas de jugo de lima verde
- 2 cucharadas de 100% jugo de naranja
- 1 cucharada de cilantro fresco picado
- 1/2 cucharadita de chile en polvo
- 1/4 cucharadita de comino molido
Mezcle los ingredientes en un tazón grande. Puede servir la ensalada de inmediato, pero es mejor si la tapa y la enfría durante por lo menos una hora para que se mezclen los sabores.
U-pick organic strawberry season opens on coast

The U-pick strawberry fields at Swanton Berry Farm near Davenport on the coast are formally opening on May 28, but if you drive out there now, you’ll get a chance to pick without a crowd. Talking to Barrett Boaen, the U-pick manager, I got to the bottom of just why their berries, also sold at local Whole Foods stores, look and taste so good.
Partly it’s the ‘Chandler’ variety, chosen for its old-fashioned sweetness and flavor although it yields only about two-thirds as well as some varieties. It’s also about not pumping up production with too much nitrogen or irrigation (more details here). Mostly, though, it’s about the picking process. A strawberry grower visiting from the East Coast recently bought two flats from the farmstand, saying he couldn’t help himself, he had never laid eyes on such beautiful organic berries, and he knew who to congratulate—the pickers.

You and I are unlikely to come close to picking as well as Swanton’s unionized employees, some of whom have more than 20 years of experience at the farm. They recognize when a strawberry is as ripe as it can be, when it’s red and sweet all the way through (strawberries don’t continue ripening once they are picked). Although a less ripe berry is firmer, with a longer shelf-life and easier to transport, it has less flavor, so the pickers wait a day or two for any berry with a green tip or white shoulders to ripen perfectly. They discard berries that are soft on one side (from raindrops settling on the fruit) or have a cat-face look, which is lygus bug damage.
Moving along the rows, which are banked up to 18 inches high to reduce back strain, they harvest each perfectly ripe berry, with its green calyx attached, in a “twist and flick” motion: “you put tension on the stem above the calyx, and rotate it, so you can see 360 degrees and whether there’s any damage to the berry; then with just the right tension, the berry will pop off naturally,” explains Boaen.
In the U-pick fields, which have ocean views, visitors pick for pleasure, hopping from row to row, enjoying the fresh air, and the fragrance of the berries and the earth. Compared to the serious work in the other 20 acres of strawberries, “the 3 acres of U-pick are a playground,” says Boaen, “We provide people everything they need to be happy.”

“It can be demoralizing,” Boaen admits. “All that energy put into the fruit after the excellent warm January was wrecked.”
Fortunately, the farm has several other crops, and the strawberry fields are filling with new berries. You can pick them this summer for $2.50 per pound (10 percent discount for bicyclists). Bring your own containers if you remember, a windproof jacket and boots in case of fog or mud, and most of all, Boaen recommends allowing plenty of time to enjoy yourself.
By mid-June, Swanton ollalieberries will be ripe, and by mid- or late July, the blackberries will be ready. Farm tours are available by reservation. Organic strawberry and ollalieberry jams, and five other kinds, are available at the farmstand or online.
Swanton's farmstand