Avocado growers can reduce soil nitrate groundwater pollution and increase yield and profit. C.J. Lovatt. (1995) FREP.
Development of nitrogen best management practices for the "Hass" avocado. C.J. Lovatt. (1998) FREP.
Identifying fruit mineral removal differences in four avocado cultivars. S. Salazar-García, Ignacio Lazcano-Ferrat. (2001) Better Crops International 15(1):28-31.
Increasing the yield of the 'Hass' avocado by adding P and K to properly-timed soil N applications. C.J. Lovatt. (2007) FREP.
Seasonal patterns of nutrient uptake and partitioning as a function of crop load of the “Hass” avocado. R. Rosecrance, C.J. Lovatt. (2003) FREP.
Site-specific fertilization increased yield and fruit size in ‘Hass’ avocado. S. Salazar-García, Ignacio Lazcano-Ferrat. (2003) Better Crops International 17(1):12-15.
CPSC = California Plant and Soil Conference
FFTC ASPAC = Food & Fertilizer Technology Center for the Asian and Pacific Region
FREP = Fertilizer Research and Education Program completed project
UC ANR = University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources
UF IFAS = University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences
WNMC = Western Nutrient Management Conference
WTFRC = Washington Tree Fruit Research Commission