Fertilizer management
Fruit and nut
Fertilization of perennial tree crops: timing is everything! C.J. Lovatt. (2009) CPSC.
Improving the nutrient efficiency of tree crops. F. Niederholzer. (2007) CPSC.
Mineral nutrition. R.S. Johnson, K. Uriu. (1989) Peaches, Plums, and Nectarines: Growing and Handling for Fresh Market, Chapter 13: 68-81, UC ANR Publication 3331.
Uniformity of chemigation in microirrigated permanent crops. L. Schwankl, T. Prichard. (1997) FREP.
Drip irrigation and soil fertility management. T.K. Hartz. (2004) CPSC.
Effects of irrigation nonuniformity on nitrogen and water use efficiencies in shallow rooted vegetable cropping systems. J. Mitchell, L. Wu, B. Sanden. (1999) FREP.
Efficient nitrogen management for cool-season vegetable. T.K. Hartz. (2007)
Efficient phosphorus management in coastal vegetable production. T.K. Hartz. (2003) CPSC.
Fertility management of drip-irrigated vegetables. T.K. Hartz, G.J. Hochmuth. (1996) HortTechnology 6(3): 168-172.
Fertilizer application and management for micro (drip)-irrigated vegetables in Florida. G.J. Hochmuth, A.G. Smajstria. (2003) UF IFAS Extension Circular 1181.
Improvement of nitrogen management in vegetable cropping systems in the Salinas Valley and adjacent areas. S. Pettygrove. (1994) FREP.
Lowering nitrogen rates to increase profit, environmental sustainability. L. McGinnis. (2009) Agricultural Research Feb. 2009: 20-21.
Nitrogen management through intensive on-farm monitoring. T.K. Hartz.(1994) FREP.
Nutrient management in cool-season vegetables. S. Pettygrove, T.K. Hartz, B. Hanson, L. Jackson, R. Smith, T. Lockhart, S. Grattan. (2003) UC ANR Publication 8098.
Nutrient recommendations for vegetable crops grown in Michigan: the structure. D.D. Warncke, J. Dahl. (2003) Michigan State University, Nutrient Management Information Sheet No. 3.1.
Nutrient requirements and specific deficiency symptoms of vegetable species. R.J. Wood. (1996) Fertiliser Recommendations for Horticultural Crops, New Zealand Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries.
Residual soil nitrate and potato yield with polymer coated urea. J.J. LeMonte, T.W. Taysom, B.G. Hopkins, V.D. Jolley, B.L. Webb. (2009) WNMC.
CPSC = California Plant and Soil Conference
FFTC ASPAC = Food & Fertilizer Technology Center for the Asian and Pacific Region
FREP = Fertilizer Research and Education Program completed project
UC ANR = University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources
UF IFAS = University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences
WNMC = Western Nutrient Management Conference
WTFRC = Washington Tree Fruit Research Commission