Application of precision farming to potato production in Québec. R.R. Simard, M.C. Nolin A.N. Cambouris. (1998) Better Crops 82(2):22-24.
Best management practices for profitable fertilization of potatoes. R. Mikkelsen. (2006) Better Crops 90(2):12-13.
Boron fertilization in potato. B.G. Hopkins, V.D. Jolley, B.L. Webb, J.W. Ellsworth, R.K. Callahan. (2007) WNMC.
Developing potato fertilizer recommendations from small plot and on-farm research. J. Stark, D. Westermann. (2001) WNMC.
Evaluation of N uptake analysis as a tool for determing potato N status. J. Stark, C. McIntosh, S. Love. (2007) WNMC.
Fertilization and liming. Oregon State Univ.
Fertilizing potato. W.C. Dahnke, C. Fanning, A. Cattanach. (1992) North Dakota State Univ., SF-715.
In-season variable rate N in potato and barley production using optical sensing instrumentation. T.R. Bowen, B.G. Hopkins, J.W. Ellsworth, A.G. Cook, S.A. Funk. (2005) WNMC.
Measuring nutrient accumulation rates of potatoes—tools for better management. D. Horneck, C. Rosen. (2008) Better Crops 92(1):4-6.
Nitrogen management with drip and sprinkler irrigation. C.C. Shock. (2005) WNMC.
Nutrient management. B.G. Hopkins, J.C. Stark, D.T. Westermann, J.W. Ellsworth.
Nutrient requirements and specific deficiency symptoms of vegetable species. R.J. Wood. (1996) Fertiliser Recommendations for Horticultural Crops, New Zealand Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries.
P and K in potatoes. D.A. Horneck. (2005) WNMC.
Phosphorus and zinc interactions in potato. S.A. Barben, B.A. Nichols, B.G. Hopkins, V.D. Jolley, J.W. Ellsworth, B.L. Webb. (2007) WNMC.
Phosphorus sources for potato production. J.B. Sanderson, T.W. Bruulsema, R. Coffin, B. Douglas, J.A. MacLeod. (2002) Better Crops 86(4):10-12.
Polymer coated urea in potato production. T.W. Taysom, B.G. Hopkins, A.K. Shiffler, S. Chod Stephens. (2007) WNMC.
Potassium fertilizers and potato yield and quality in the Columbia Basin. J.R. Davenport, E.M. Bentley, K.M. Whitley. (2001) WNMC.
Potato fertilization on irrigated soils. C.J. Rosen. (1991) Univ. of Minnesota Extension, WW-03425-GO.
Potato varietal responses to nitrogen rate and timing. D. Atkinson, B. Geary, J. Stark, S. Love, J. Windes. (2003) WNMC.
Pre-season variable rate nitrogen in potatoes. A. Cook, B. Hopkins, J. Ellsworth, T. Bowen, S. Funk. (2005) WNMC.
Residual soil nitrate and potato yield with polymer coated urea. J.J. LeMonte, T.W. Taysom, B.G. Hopkins, V.D. Jolley, B.L. Webb. (2009) WNMC.
Site-specific water and nutrient management in potato. B.A. King, J.C. Stark. (2005) WNMC.
Summary of N, P, and K research on potato in Florida. G. Hochmuth, K. Cordasco.(2008) UF IFAS Extension HS756.
CPSC = California Plant and Soil Conference
FFTC ASPAC = Food & Fertilizer Technology Center for the Asian and Pacific Region
FREP = Fertilizer Research and Education Program completed project
UC ANR = University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources
UF IFAS = University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences
WNMC = Western Nutrient Management Conference
WTFRC = Washington Tree Fruit Research Commission