Solution Center for Nutrient Management
Solution Center for Nutrient Management
Solution Center for Nutrient Management
University of California
Solution Center for Nutrient Management

Nutrient Management Research Database

General Information

Research Title

Potassium Boosts Almond Yields Via Irrigation

Research Specifications

Crop: Almonds
Soil Type:
County, State: Colusa, California
Year: 1998


Meyer, R.D., Edstrom, J.P., & Schwankl, L.J.

Summary/Abstract from Original Source

This study evaluated the efficiency of potassium uptake as a function of source, placement, and irrigation system. Almond meat yields in 1997 varied between potassium treatments under the micro-sprinkler system, but there were no significant difference between potassium treatments in the single- or double-line Drip systems. There was a consistent trend for all potassium treatments to give higher yields than control under the micro-sprinkler system. Yields did not show a consistent trend as rates of potassium were increased, particularly with injected potassium sulfate and mono-potassium phosphate. Banded potassium surface under the micro sprinkler resulted in good yields compared to other sources and rates, whereas banded potassium sulfate did not yield as well under single- or double-line drip systems.

Research Highlights

Design and Methods

  • On multiple plots, liquid potassium was injected into the irrigation systems and applied to the trees via the single- or double-line drip or micro-sprinkler, and on other plots dry potassium was applied to the soil surface in a band 3 to 4 inches wide, 4 feet from the tree on both sides of the tree row.
  • There were 72 test plots.


  • Average almond yields with potassium treatments were:
    • 2,400 meat lbs/almond for single-line drip;
    • 2,445 meat lbs/almonds for double-line drip;
    • 2,619 meat lbs/almond for micro-sprinkler.
  • All potassium treatments produced higher yields than the untreated almond trees. However, as potassium rates were increased, there was not a consistent trend in yields.
  • Banded potassium under micro-sprinklers produced good yields compared to other potassium sources, which was surprising.
  • Banded potassium did not yield well under the two drip systems, since the drip system was not wetting the area where the potassium had been banded.

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