Virtual Bi-County 4-H Club Officer Training

Nov 16, 2020

Virtual Bi-County 4-H Club Officer Training

Nov 16, 2020


When you picture an elephant in your mind do you see a cartoon elephant, a real elephant, or do you picture a stuffed animal elephant?

On Saturday November 7th, Placer County and Nevada County 4-H held a virtual Bi-County Club Officer Training. The virtual event was a huge success with just over 50 participants. We were able to come together and discuss what this year will look like at a club level. It is clear things have been changing throughout 2020, so as we continue to turn toward 2021, our 4-H programs are not giving up steam!

The Club Officer Training started off by having all the youth participants draw an elephant... why an elephant you ask? Well, some youth did not end up with an elephant on their page, some ended up with lizards! The purpose of the activity was for youth to understand that all people hear directions differently. All participants were given the same verbal instructions, and all ended up with different drawings on their paper.

We then all reviewed Robert's Rules and were reminded the importance of traditional 4-H procedures. Our training moved on to presentations from our seven Placer County 4-H Ambassadors, accompanied by both County's Community Education Specialists, and a handful of wonderful 4-H adult Volunteers. Thank you ALL for attending! We broke out into three different training presentations, one for Treasurers, one for Secretaries, and then one final zoom room was for Presidents, Vice Presidents, Reporters, Historians, Sergeants at Arms, and more. The ambassadors covered a range of different topics from how to make your own envelopes, to practicing pronunciation with tongue twisters. It may not have been the typical Bi-County Officer Training, but it was great to feel the sense of community and collaboration among the Placer County and Nevada County 4-H youth.


By Natalie Cunha
Author - Placer Co. 4-H Youth Development Education Specialist