Natural Resources Agencies
Natural Resources Conservation Service

NRCS offers cost-sharing programs for a variety of natural resource issues. They also offer a soil survey, which is available in hard copy or online. NRCS maintains and improves the condition of natural resources on private lands, emphasizing voluntary science-based technical assistance to address the proper use of soils, water, plants, air, and animals.
Nevada County 530.272.3417
Placer County 530.823.6505
Resource Conservation Districts

The Resource Conservation Districts (RCD) are independent organizations dedicated to natural resource management and conservation. The RCD provides technical assistance or direction to private landowners on ways to conserve and/or enhance natural resources such as water, soil, plants, livestock and/or wildlife. Assistance includes pasture management, irrigation system management or design review, and topsoil erosion control recommendations.
Nevada County RCD
Farm Service Agency

Farm Service Agency offers a variety of support programs in the form of loans, insurance, disaster programs, and other programs.
D. Lance Carter (Sutter/Yuba/Nevada County): 530.671.0850 x2
Ted Van Steyn (Placer County): 916.714.1104 x 2
PNSSNS Subwatershed Group

The PNSSNS Subwatershed Group is one of ten subwatersheds in the Sacramento Valley Water Quality Coalition authorized to provide a discharge waiver as required by the Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board. If you operate an agrelated business and have water discharge from your property, including storm season runoff, then you are required to obtain a discharge waiver. Our mission is to pay for water testing, educate members on better management practices to keep our waters clean, inform our members of troubled waters, and work with others to maintain clean waters.
Contact: 916.645.1774 or