Recovering from Wildfire
University of California
Recovering from Wildfire

Constructing Fire Safe Homes

UC ANR Resource for Homeowner's Wildfire Mitigation Guide

UC ANR Wildfire Site

What Sort of Materials Should You Use to Fire Proof Your Home?

Utilizing fire safe materials to fire- proof your home is important to keeping your family safe and your property safe.

Check out Home Survival in Wildfire-Prone Areas- Building Materials and Design Considerations to aid in prevention of wildfires reaching your home. Using defensible zones, vegetation arrangement, & proper materials will make your home more fire resistant.

Defensible Zone

Implementing a defensible zone, also known as a buffer zone, around your home is a key feature in preventing wildfires from reaching your home!

What happens when there is a Window Failure During Wildfires?

What is a fire safe roof? Materials to construct a fire safe roof can be found here:

What is a Fire Safe Roof_

Is your deck fire safe or not? Materials to construct a fire safe deck can be found here:

Decks- Fire Safe or Not


How to assess the Performance of Deck Board Materials under Simulated Wildfire Exposures  

Different Types Mulches

Mulch is a layer of material applied over soil. It is good practice to understand The Combustibility of Landscape Mulches (Nevada)

Assessing Attic and Crawlspace Ventilation- Implications for Homes Located in the Urban- Wildlife Interface can aid communities in these areas prepare for wildfires.

Conflicting Materials for Fire Proof Construction

Understanding the conflicting design issues in wood construction and checking for adequate long term performance is key to fire proofing your home.

Conflicting Design Issues In Wood Frame Construction


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