Recommended ANR Web sites
The California Backyard Orchard
This site provides extensive horticultural information for the home gardener on 20 fruit and nut tree crops, plus a number of vine crops such as grapes, berries and kiwifruit. Content was developed by more than 30 UC contributors.
UC Fruit and Nut Research and Information Center
Production management information for California's 23 major fruit and nut crops and 19 other specialty crops, from the University of California.
ANR employment opportunities
Cooperative Extension county offices
University of California Cooperative Extension (UCCE), ANR’s outreach arm, has farm, 4-H, and nutrition, family and consumer sciences advisors based in more than 50 county offices. Select a county on the map to reach the UCCE office serving that area. At the bottom of the page is a description of UCCE.
UC Davis Department of Entomology
The UC Davis Department of Entomology is world renowned for its quality research and teaching. With facilities such as the Bohart Museum of Entomology, the Center for Biosystematics and the Harry H. Laidlaw Jr. Honey Bee Research Facility, and mosquito and dengue research programs, the UC Davis Entomology Department is one of the most recognized entomology departments in the world. It was ranked as the nation's No. 1 entomology department by the Chronicle of Higher Education in November 2007.
Vegetable Research and Information Center
Vegetable production information covering 16 topics related to 32 individual crops, plus educational opportunities and other information.
Integrated Pest Management
IPM provides information regarding pests, and pest management.
Entomologist Eric Mussen's Honeybee Page
Information about UC Cooperative Extension entomologist Eric Mussen, plus links to the "Apiculture Newsletter" and "Bee Briefs."
ANR Branding Toolkit
A collection of resources and tips that ANR staff and academics may use to create a look that reflects branding themes aligned with the Strategic Vision.
Weed Research and Information Center
Weed education opportunities, information on aquatic weeds and herbicides, and guidelines for weed control in agricultural crops. Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Program
ANR Employees
Information and announcements for employees of UC Agriculture and Natural Resources
Asian citrus psyllid
Basic information about Asian citrus psyllid, including identifying the insect, monitoring and management.
Staff Personnel Unit
Provides staff personnel services to all ANR county-based and other off-site units in the areas of classification, compensation, recruitment, employment, employee and labor Relations, interpretation of UC system wide personnel policies-collective bargaining agreements, and the People Admin C.A.T.S. (Classification Applicant Tracking System).
UC Davis Animal Science
The UC Davis Department of Animal Science engages We in teaching, research and extension related to the biology and production of domestic animals.
Pest Notes
Pest management guidelines for homes and landscapes.
California Master Gardeners
Free information from county-based volunteer gardening enthusiasts trained by UC scientists in a wide variety of gardening topics – such as pest control, plant selection, pruning, etc.
Ventura County UC Cooperative Extension
Cost and Return Studies
UC Davis Department of Agricultural & Resource Economics' studies outlining the cost of producing various commodities. Studies can be downloaded for free.
Veterinary Medicine Teaching and Research Center
The Veterinary Medicine Teaching and Research Center, located in Tulare, trains veterinarians in research and service opportunities in food-animal production medicine.
real-time, location-based soil queries
Writing the basic meeting-announcement news release
Step-by-step guidance in writing a meeting announcement news release.
Pesticide Wise
This is an interactive Web site with a focus on pesticide-related water quality and environmental issues. “Pesticide Wise” is an interactive tool that allows you to find and use critical information on almost any pesticide.
Davis Campus, School of Veterinary Medicine
Educational opportunities, research, clinical diagnostic services, and public service units in veterinary medicine.
ANR Gardening Publications
A searchable catalog of publications on many gardening topics. Some publications are available for purchase in booklet, magazine, book or leaflet form; others may be downloaded immediately for free.
Kern County UC Cooperative Extension
Human resources
The Office of Human Resources has responsibility for providing leadership, coordination and consulting services for academic human resources, staff personnel and affirmative action.
Business Operations Center - Davis
Agronomy Research and Information Center
Information on California agronomic crops, including alfalfa, winter cereals(barley, oats, wheat), corn, dry edible legumes, rice, safflower, sugarbeet, sunflower, and specialty crops (kenaf, lupin, and sesame).
Center for Produce Safety at UC Davis
The Center for Produce Safety provides ready-to-use science-based solutions that prevent or minimize produce safety vulnerabilities.
Sacramento Master Food Preservers
The Master Food Preserver Program is a public service community outreach that provides up-to-date information on food safety and preservation.
Postharvest Technology Research and Information Center
Information on postharvest technology for California growers, shippers, marketers, carriers, distributors, retailers and processors aimed at improving the quality and value of fresh horticultural crops and reducing postharvest losses.
UC Food Safety website
UC Davis Research and Extension faculty host this site, but it includes current information from other UC campuses. Links to presentations, publications and other Web sites with information related to the production, harvest and processing of foods. Microbial food safety is the emphasis, but related subjects such as biotechnology, food quality and food security are also addressed.
UC CalFresh Nutrition Education Program
The goal of this SNAP-Ed (formally FSNE) is to improve the likelihood that persons eligible for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) will make healthy food choices within a limited budget and choose physically active lifestyles consistent with the current Dietary Guidelines for Americans and
Merced County
UC Cooperative Extension - Merced County
UCANR Strategic Initiatives
Since the development and launch of ANR’s Strategic Vision 2025, the division has identified five initiatives that represent the best opportunities for ANR’s considerable infrastructure and talent to seek new resources and new ways of partnering within and outside UC to find solutions for California.
Maternal and Infant Nutrition
A research-based newsletter for professionals interested in maternal and infant nutrition.
Santa Barbara County UC Cooperative Extension
Mission statement
This page describes ANR's mission, vision, who we are and what we do.
Asian citrus psyllid and huanglongbing disease
UC Agriculture and Natural Resources is working with the citrus industry and the state to wage an all-out battle against the Asian citrus psyllid (the insect) and huanglongbing (the disease it spreads) that are threatening California’s citrus. This tiny insect and disease have already destroyed one-third of the citrus in Florida, at a cost of over $200 million a year, and both have recently been detected in California.
Animal Science Extension
Information on teaching, research, and outreach programs on dairy management and health, dairy nutrition, livestock systems management, livestock waste management, poultry and avian biology and management, and marine and freshwater aquaculture.
ANR Employee News
ANR Employee News, an internal newsletter, serves as a key communications vehicle between the Office of the Vice President and UC ANR staff and contains the latest news.
San Diego County UC Cooperative Extension
Sudden Oak Death
Information on the distribution and monitoring of Sudden Oak Death in California. Also, educational materials, information for homeowners, symptoms, and events.
Agricultural Sustainability Institute
UC Davis' Agricultural Sustainability Institute, founded in 2006, is committed to helping ensure access to healthy food and promoting the vitality of agriculture today and for future generations by coordinating integrative research, education and communication efforts. It includes the UC statewide Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Program (SAREP), the UC Davis Russell Ranch Sustainable Agriculture Facility and the UC Davis Student Farm.
Fresno County UC Cooperative Extension
Small Farm Program
Production and marketing information for farmers who operate small-scale farms.
Hansen Research and Extension Center
Farm site donated to UC Cooperative Extension to benefit and sustain agriculture in Ventura County through research and education.
UC Berkeley Urban Pest Management Center
The UC Berkeley Urban Pest Management Center aggregates existing information and develops new information to more fully understand the natural biology, detection, and management of our urban insect pest species. The Center's strengths include knowledge of standard pest management practices as well as advanced detection, management, and prevention schemes for many of the major economic pests that occur in our urban ecosystem.
Program Teams and Workgroup Directory
List of ANR Program Teams and workgroups
Postharvest Technology Center
Mendocino County UC Cooperative Extension
UCCE history
The UC Cooperative Extension Centennial planning committee created this survey to collect photos and information about UCCE history and accomplishments over the past 100 years.
UC Cooperative Extension Poultry
This website contains information and resources for raising backyard chickens and for commercial poultry needs.
Foundation Plant Services
Produces, tests, maintains and distributes premium foundation-level virus disease-tested plant materials for use by California nurseries.
Statewide Master Food Preserver Program
UC-trained volunteers teach research-based practices of safe home food preservation to the residents of California. Workshops and demonstrations focus on food safety, canning, drying and freezing food for storage and consumption. The statewide program is administered locally by participating UC Cooperative Extension Offices.
Santa Cruz County UC Cooperative Extension
Informatics and GIS Statewide Program
Through data capture, information sharing, and collaboration, we aim to increase our ability to make meaningful predictions of the agricultural, ecosystem, and community response to future change, to increase our understanding of California’s diverse natural, agricultural and human resources, and to support research and outreach projects that enhance agricultural productivity, natural resource conservation and healthy communities into the future.
Stanislaus County UC Cooperative Extension
Insects Pests of Animals
Information on managing insect pests of animals. This website is an extension product of the USDA S-1060 Multistate research and extension collaborative, including researchers across the U.S. who conduct research on the arthropod pests of animals.
Academic Assembly Council
Web site of the UC Cooperative Extension Academic Assembly Council.
Riverside County UC Cooperative Extension
Alfalfa and Forage Systems Workgroup
The focus of this workgroup is to coordinate statewide UC research and educational activities focused on problem areas of alfalfa and forages, California's largest-acreage irrigated crops. Inclusive of silage crops and irrigated pasture cropping systems. Areas of focus within the workgroup include alfalfa pest management, water resources, silage systems, forage quality, cropping systems and economics, alternative forages, seed genetics and biotechnology.
UC ANR Staff Assembly
All ANR staff employees are members of the ANR Staff Assembly. The elected leaders of the group seek your input on policies, processes and programs and serve in an advisory capacity to ANR leadership, giving staff a collective voice on issues of concern. The assembly also will provide support for career training and professional development to staff to aid career advancement.
Business Operations Center - Davis
The Business Operations Center in Davis (BOC - Davis) provides financial services to Statewide Programs, Research & Extension Centers, and ANR service units located in Davis.
Giving Tuesday
#GivingTuesday is a global day of giving that harnesses the collective power of individuals to celebrate generosity worldwide. #GivingTuesday is held annually on the Tuesday after Thanksgiving (in the U.S.) Kick off the holiday season with us!
Agricultural Issues Center
Broadly based and objective information about competition for resources, environmental concerns, global linkages, and public policy decisions and their significance for California's economy and natural resources.
California Alfalfa & Forage Systems Workgroup
Webpage of the UC California Alfalfa & Forage Systems Workgroup. University of California information about Forages.
ANR Administrative Handbook
The purpose of this handbook is to set forth operating policies and procedures for the Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources.
- Science-based information and resources on agriculture, food and technology
This website provides educational resources focused broadly on issues related to agriculture, crops, animals, foods and the technologies used to improve them. Science-based information related to these issues is available, as well as educational tools and information, which can be used to promote informed participation in discussions about these topics.
Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program
An education program for families with young children. Free to limited-income residents of California.
UCCE Centennial Brand Toolkit
UC ANR will be celebrating the 100th anniversary of the signing of the Smith-Lever Act and the centennial of Cooperative Extension in California in 2014. This toolkit contains history, PowerPoint templates, historical photos and other resources.
Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Program
Scientific research and education programs promoting economically viable agricultural and food systems that sustain natural resources, biodiversity, and quality of life for farmers and communities.
California Climate Change Extension Web site
Cutting edge scientific information about climate change in California. Interviews of leading climate change researchers are posted as 20- to 30-minute downloadable audio segments and separated by topic into 2- to 3-minute short videos under "Quick Topics." The site links to many resources for California climate change information.
Alameda County UC Cooperative Extension
California Agriculture journal
California Agriculture, UC ANR's bimonthly journal of news and peer-reviewed research, features new findings in agricultural, natural and human resources from top UC researchers and others.
ANR photo and video release form (English and Spanish)
When ANR employees take a photograph of someone for ANR use, the photographed person must sign this standard release agreement.
Business Operations Center - Kearney
Business Operations Center staff contact information and resources
Giannini Foundation of Agricultural Economics
Information about the Giannini Foundation and economic matters pertinent to California's agriculture, environment and natural resources.
UC ANR social networking sites
UC ANR's list of blogs, Facebook pages, Twitter feeds and YouTube channels.
The California AgrAbility Project, or CalAgrAbility, is a nonprofit collaboration of the University of California at Davis Farm Safety Project and California Superior Arthritis Foundation. Our mission is to help individuals who have permanent conditions or injuries that hinder their efforts to continue working on farms.
San Joaquin County UC Cooperative Extension
Napa County UC Cooperative Extension
ANR Environmental Health and Safety
The Office of Facilities Planning and Management Administrative Office is responsible for developing internal policy (administrative guides) to identify procedures for maintaining a safe working environment. Policies and procedures may be found on this Web site.
Oak Woodland Management
The University of California Oak Woodland Conservation Workgroup has created a new Oak Woodland Management website that contains the information formerly posted in the Integrated Hardwood Range Management Program (IHRMP) page, as well as new content and links.
Western Center for Agricultural Health and Safety
The Western Center for Agricultural Health and Safety is a comprehensive, multidisciplinary program dedicated to the understanding and prevention of illness and injury in Western agriculture.
Bug Squad
Happenings in the insect world and the UC Davis entomologists who study them.
Imperial County UC Cooperative Extension
Ornamental Horticulture Research and Information Center
Event calendars, current issues, newsletter, publications, and a photo gallery related to ornamental horticulture.
Orange County UC Cooperative Extension
Dairy Research and Information Center
A coordinated and visable dairy production and dairy foods research and information program for the state, national, and international dairy industry.
Marin County UC Cooperative Extension
The Richard J. Elkus Ranch
The Richard J. Elkus Ranch is operated by University of California Cooperative Extension. Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Elkus donated the 600-acre ranch to UC in 1975. The Elkus Ranch Conference Center, nestled in the rolling hills and canyons five miles south of Half Moon Bay, is a 4,400-square-foot educational and day conference facility.
UC ANR Learning and Development
It is vital that UC ANR academics and staff keep their knowledge and skills at peak performance. The ANR Learning and Development website offers an array of opportunities for employee learning and professional development that can help serve that goal.
Termite Pest Note
Drywood Termites: Integrated Pest Management in the Home (from Pest Notes)
Orange County termite tip card
Termite treatment tips from University of California Cooperative Extension Master Gardeners of Orange County.
Lindcove Research and Extension Center
San Joaquin Valley growers and the University of California, Riverside established the Lindcove Research and Extension Center in 1959 to provide a research environment typical of the central valley California citrus industry.
Sustainable Food Systems Strategic Initiative
Website for the UC ANR Sustainable Food Systems Strategic Initiative
Sonoma County UC Cooperative Extension
Monterey County UC Cooperative Extension
Merced County UC Cooperative Extension
ANR Training Coordination
A directory to training opportunities for ANR academics and staff assembled by the ANR Training Coordination Committee which is responsible for coordinating the development of training programs in the Division.
UCPath is a project launched by the University of California (UC) to modernize its current payroll system. This website hosts resources for UC ANR's transition to UCPath, which will unify and standardize payroll, benefits and human resources systems for all UC employees.
Coyote Cacher
Coyote Cacher, developed by UC Cooperative Extension advisor Niamh Quinn, Ph.D., allows people to report coyote sightings and to check a map to see locations of coyote sightings.
California Rangelands Research and Information Center
Information about California rangeland vegetation types and acreage, the UC Rangeland Watershed Program, and rangeland research and extension projects.
ANR Strategic Vision 2025
This vision statement created in 2009 will guide ANR in developing research, education and service programs to meet the needs of California.
University of California Statewide Master Gardener Program
This Master Gardener Program Administrative Handbook for Program Staff (Handbook) covers the policies and procedures that govern the Master Gardener Program (MGP), an educational and public service component of the University of California, Agriculture and Natural Resources (ANR). As a University of California Cooperative Extension (UCCE) education program.
California Institute for Water Resources
The California Institute for Water Resources develops and supports water-related research, education, and outreach across the state and beyond. The Institute brings together local, state, and federal communities to identify issues and sources of political and financial support for solutions-oriented water research and outreach.
California Naturalist
The California Naturalist Program is designed to introduce Californians to the wonders of the state's unique ecology and engage volunteers in stewardship and study of California’s natural communities.
Program Support Unit
The UC ANR Program Support Unit helps plan and run meetings and events.
Healthy crops, safe water
Nitrate contamination of drinking water is an issue in California. UC Agriculture and Natural Resources is working to ensure that all Californians have access to safe drinking water and to ensure that the state’s farmers can grow enough food to help meet the world’s increasing demand. This site gives some specific examples of ANR research and extension projects under way.
Home Wildfire Mitigation Guide
Information to help homeowners make changes to their homes and the surroundings to reduce the possibility of damage from wildfires. Some of the changes can be done very quickly and relatively inexpensively. Others may require more effort, expense, and, in some cases, professional help.
Humboldt-Del Norte County UC Cooperative Extension
Animal Genomics and Biotechnology
General information on animal genomics, biotechnology, animal genetic engineering, cloning and use of marker-assisted selection in beef cattle improvement.
California Oak Mortality Task Force
The COMTF is composed of UC scientists, public agencies, other non-profit organizations and private interests to address the problem of sudden oak death.
California 4-H Youth Development Program
Whether youth are building rockets, raising companion dogs, or planting vegetables, 4-H gives young people the skills they need to thrive and succeed throughout their lives.
Western Plant Diagnostic Network
The Western Plant Diagnostic Network (WPDN) is a regional member of the larger National Plant Diagnostic Network. Based at UC Davis, the consortium provides services for plant disease diagnosis, plant identification, and insect/pest identification.
Madera County UC Cooperative Extension
Non-Discrimination Language
ANR standard non-discrimination language to be used in communications about programs.
CE Program Evaluation
Tulare County Cooperative Extension
Precision Agriculture Workgroup
“Precision Agriculture," also called site-specific farming, can be defined as the application of cultural practices – such as fertilization and planting – in a spatially variable manner within an agricultural field.
OakMapper is a website for monitoring sudden oak death. It captures official and community-submitted data to get a broader understanding of oak health across the state.
California Cotton Production Information
Cotton crop updates, guildelines for the latest cotton production recommendations, and research results on cotton variety trials.
Humboldt County UC Cooperative Extension
Franklin Building location
Maps and directions to the Franklin Building in Oakland, home of UC ANR administration.
Sacramento County UC Cooperative Extension
2016-2020 Strategic Plan
UC ANR has developed a Strategic Plan to guide the division over the next five years as it operationalizes the Strategic Vision 2025. This website was designed to give all ANR academics and staff updated information on the plan implementation process and provide the opportunity to offer feedback using the comment form.
Solution Center for Nutrient Management
This website is a resource in development for farmers, consultants, and researchers to find easy to digest information and connect with one another about nutrient management practices.
Colusa County UC Cooperative Extension
ANR Affirmative Action
University of California Rice Online
University of California Rice Online is an interdisciplinary team consisting of UC Cooperative Extension specialists, faculty and farm advisors dedicated to providing rice growers with up-to-date guidelines and information on rice production in California.
El Dorado County Master Food Preserver Program
Master Food Preserver Program volunteers are trained to provide up-to-date food preservation information to El Dorado County residents.
El Dorado County UC Cooperative Extension
UCCE Merced
Huanglongbing disease (HLB) map
An interactive map that identifies hot zones of citrus trees infected with Huanglongbing disease — a.k.a. HLB or citrus greening disease. Enter your address and it shows how close your home is to those infection areas.
Nutrition Perspectives Newsletter
Current and past issues of Nutrition Perspectives, a bimonthly newsletter designed to provide research-based information on ongoing nutrition and food-related programs.
Sutter-Yuba County UC Cooperative Extension
Seed Biotechnology Center
Research, education, and outreach, in partnership with the seed and plant biotechnology industries, to facilitate discovery and commercialization of new germplasm and seed technologies of agricultural and consumer benefit.
Los Angeles County UC Cooperative Extension
Renewable Resources Extension Act
Supporting education and programs related to biodiversity, conservation, water quality and water quantity on forests and rangelands in California.
Business Operations Center - Kearney
The ANR Business Operations Center located at Kearney (BOC-K) provides comprehensive consolidated financial and payroll-related services in support of county Cooperative Extension offices statewide. This includes providing business services in support of 200 CE advisors and 400 staff employees. The BOC-K's mission is to provide highly effective and efficient financial and payroll services within the guidelines of UC and ANR policies and procedures.
UC ANR Fire Information Center
This website aggregates UC ANR's fire-related resources for what to do before,during and after wildfire. The site is managed by Rick Satomi, UCCE forest advisor in Shasta County,
ANR Workgroups
Workgroup purpose and operation, ratification and funding criteria, directory, and guidelines and procedures.
Public Relations Resources
Links to resources offered to ANR staff by the ANR Office of Strategic Communications.
Tehama County UC Cooperative Extension
Kings County UC Cooperative Extension
UC ANR Staff Assembly Wellness Committee
The Staff Assembly Wellness Committee is dedicated to supporting and improving the health, wellbeing and quality of life of our UC ANR employees.
Animal Identification
UC Cooperative Extension information on animal identification to track livestock disease.
Inyo-Mono County UC Cooperative Extension
Kearney Agricultural Research and Extension Center
The UC Kearney Agricultural Research and Extension Center houses scientists at a state-of-the-art facility in the San Joaquin Valley who are affiliated with the University of California's three land-grant universities, UC Berkeley, UC Davis and UC Riverside.
UC Master Food Preserver Program
The University of California Master Food Preserver Program extends UC research-based information about home food safety and preservation to the public. The UC Master Food Preserver Program is administered locally by participating UC Cooperative Extension county offices.
Western Institute for Food Safety and Security
The Western Institute for Food Safety and Security is a University of California, Davis program that partners with the California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA); the California Department of Public Health (CDPH), formerly California Department of Health Services; the U.S. Food and Drug Administration; and the U.S. Department of Agriculture. WIFSS funds research and raises awareness to promote food safety and security
Materials for preparing a program dossier
Find all the information necessary for preparing your Program Dossier. This link takes you to the new E-Book, PR examples, PR training slides and Ad Hoc Chair Training.
Families and Young Children Workgroup
The purpose of the workgroup is to complete the work of rebuilding the UCCE library of curricula, resources and materials that support families with children zero to five years old.
Lake County UC Cooperative Extension
San Luis Obispo County UC Cooperative Extension
Center for Plant Diversity
The Center for Plant Diversity houses a collection of well-identified, dried and pressed plants that are mounted on paper and arranged in cases. It offers plant identifications, information requests (plant names, toxicity, weediness, geographic distribution), specimen loans and the use of its microscopes, specimens and library to people who wish to identify their own collections.
Small Grain Workgroup
The Small Grain Workgroup has been active since the early 1980’s. It is a multidisciplinary workgroup that provides a forum for the exchange of information on current and planned research projects and extension programs, setting of priorities for research and extension activities, and planning for needed publications.
UC ANR Strategic Plan 2017
The UC ANR Strategic Plan defines 15 goals to enhance UC ANR's research and extension mission, support employees and volunteers, address financial stability, bolster administrative excellence and increase awareness of UC ANR's value. The plan will guide UC ANR activities as we “operationalize” our Strategic Vision 2025.
ANR Web Action Team
The Web Action Team is dedicated to providing ANR with high-quality, modern web applications.
CE 2016 Call or Positons
ANR is soliciting proposals for Cooperative Extension (CE) advisor and specialist positions.
Butte County UC Cooperative Extension
UC Delivers
UC Delivers is a collection of examples showing how ANR is making a difference for Californians.
Solano County UC Cooperative Extension
University of California 4-H Youth Development Program
These policies are established to insure the educational and administrative integrity of all UCCE 4-H YDP activities, and are administered and interpreted by 4-H YDP staffing consultation with the county director and ANR administration.
IPM Light brown apple moth website
University of California Integrated Pest Management Program's light brown apple moth Web site
Mariposa County UC Cooperative Extension
Siskiyou County UC Cooperative Extension
Yolo County UC Cooperative Extension
Urban Agriculture
We offer resources on small-scale production, including soil, planting, irrigation, pest management, and harvesting, as well as information on the business of farming, such as how to market urban farm products.
Your California Fire Information Center
UC ANR's information for what to do before, during and after a wildfire. Fire science references and fire experts are also listed at this site.
Professional Society Meeting Reimbursement Request Form
The Academic Assembly Council travel fund supports professional societies that are recognized organizations holding regularly scheduled meetings primarily for the reporting and exchange of knowledge among members.
Program Planning and Evaluation
Program Planning and Evaluation is responsible for statewide program planning activities, including documenting and reporting ANR program impacts, coordinating strategic planning activities, supporting the Program Council, workgroups, ANR Program Planning Advisory Committees, and regular and special committees/groups, and providing support to advocacy and outreach efforts.
Placer-Nevada County UC Cooperative Extension
Contra Costa County UC Cooperative Extension
UC ANR Diversity Matters
Information on UC ANR efforts to serve diverse, low-income audiences.
FoodSafe Program
Food safety consumer advice, food industry resources, and information on food safety "hot topics."
Money Talks
"Money Talks, Should I be Listening?" is a Web site that presents tips for teens on money management in English and Spanish.
Office of Pesticide Information and Coordination
The Office of Pesticide Information and Coordination reviews ANR activities pertaining to pesticide research, experimentation and use. The office is responsible for statewide coordination of pesticide experimentation by UC Cooperative Extension, quality assurance of ANR publications recommending pesticide uses, and annual training for ANR employees who use experimental pesticides.
Desert Research and Extension Center
Located in the southern low desert area of California, the Desert Research and Extension Center is a 250-acre facility that provides professional management, land, labor, offices and meeting rooms for agricultural and environmental studies and educational outreach activities.
San Benito County UC Cooperative Extension
San Bernardino County UC Cooperative Extension
2015 National Extension and Research Administrative Officers' Conference
The 2015 National Extension and Research Administrative Officers' Conference will be May 3-6 in San Diego, Calif. The theme is "Golden Opportunities."
Conservation Tillage and Cropping Systems Institute
This site provides information on many types of conservation tillage systems that have recently begun to be more widely adopted in California. There are many potential benefits of conservation tillage for California agriculture that are currently being investigated and evaluated.
Plumas-Sierra County UC Cooperative Extension
ANR photo and video release form (Spanish)
When ANR employees take a photograph of someone for ANR use, the photographed person must sign this standard release agreement.
Hopland Research and Extension Center
The Hopland Research and Extension Center is the University of California's principal field research facility for agriculture and natural resources on California's North Coast.
Tuolumne County UC Cooperative Extension
Coronavirus and COVID-19
Practical, credible information for coping with the COVID-19 situation. The site is organized by subject: agriculture; food, water and nutrition; youth development; gardening; environment; and health and wellness. It includes things to do and links to more resources.
Katherine Jarvis-Shean
Directory listing for Katherine Jarvis-Shean, formerly known as Katherine Pope
Program Teams registration
Nondiscrimination Statements
ondiscrimination and affirmative action statements for programs and employment.
Requesting use of UC ANR materials
The copyright holder for all UC ANR publications is the Regents of the University of California and permission must be issued by the permissions officer or a delegated representative.
UC ANR Work Environmenl Assessment Report
The results of a systemwide survey of all faculty, students and staff about experiences as part of UC. The Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources participated in this survey to gather a wide variety of data related to work environments and work-life issues.
Academic Human Resources
The Academic Human Resources is the principal department for all academic personnel matters for the division.
Sierra Foothill Research and Extension Center
The center provides research, extension and teaching related to the supervision, stewardship and function of Mediterranean woodland ecosystems, particularly as managed to produce a spectrum of benefits to society.
Rate and Recharge Step by Step
Step-by-step guidance for rate and recharge.
Amador County UC Cooperative Extension
South Coast Research and Extension Center
South Coast Research and Extension Center was established by the University of California in 1956 as a representative site for agricultural research in California's south coastal plain-temperate climatic zone.
Glenn County UC Cooperative Extension
James Baird PhD
James Baird PhD, UC Cooperative Extension Specialist in Turfgrass Management
The ANR URL Squisher
This password-protected site enables users to shorten URLs for pages on the ANR Web site.
Administrative Policies and Business Contracts
APBC supports ANR managers by providing technical expertise regarding all aspects of policy, including development, management, analysis, interpretation, training, reporting and coordination. UC policies assume that the reader will implement the subject policy in a campus setting. If you need help understanding how UC policies should be implemented in the ANR environment, please contact us.
UC ANR furlough information
Links to furlough guidelines issued by UC ANR, UCOP and UC Berkeley, UC Riverside and UC Davis campus locations.
Calaveras County UC Cooperative Extension
Statewide directory of agritourism businesses on California farms and ranches. The Web site is produced by the UC Small Farm Program.
Principles of Community
The Principles of Community should guide the behavior and interactions of all members of the UC ANR community
ANR People Links website
General information about UC ANR’s programs related to youth and families
Budget Office
The Budget Office is responsible for the administration, analysis and reporting of the Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources' budget.
A toll-free phone line offering practical ideas for developing healthful eating and exercise habits from the University of California Cooperative Extension. Call AsisTel toll-free at 1 (800) 514-4494.
The California Sugarbeet website
"The California Sugarbeet" a web page focusing on sugar production from sugarbeets in California. The sugarbeet workgroup has its own section for announcements and projects.
New ANR employee guide
UC ANR has an online orientation guide for new employees. It begins with a welcome video from Vice President Glenda Humiston and continues to a table of contents where new employees will find topics such as ANR Mission and Vision, ANR Core Messages, History of ANR, ANR programs and unit overview videos, as well as personal responsibility, employee resources and more.
California 4-H Policies
Operating policies and procedures for the University of California Cooperative Extension 4-H Youth Development Program
What is Goldspotted Oak Borer
Describes the goldspotted oak borer and how it kills oak trees.
ANR News Blog
A blog for UC staff and academics that tracks UC ANR news coverage.
Colusa County Rice
Local information for rice producers in Colusa, Glenn and Yolo counties.
ARE Update
The Giannini Foundation of Agricultural Economics bimonthly newsletter.
Intermountain Research and Extension Center
Located next to the town of Tulelake not far from the northern California border with Oregon, the Intermountain Research and Extension Center supports University of California research in field and vegetable crops and resource conservation.
ANR writing style guide
A guide for writing ANR news releases using style preferred by most editors.
West Side Research and Extension Center
Located on 320 acres in the San Joaquin Valley, the center has land suitable conducting research on row, orchard and field crops, and turfgrass, landscape and nursery plants.
ANR writing style guide
Wondering when to capitalize? Do we use advisor or adviser? Looking for an appropriate word or phrase? What commonly used words are hyphenated? Is farmworker one word or two? This guide will help steer you through these and other writing perils with ease.
Divisonwide planning
Lassen County UC Cooperative Extension
Woody Biomass Utilization
Video conferencing
ANR video conference services are available at Tehama, Glenn, Stanislaus, San Joaquin and Tulare UCCE Offices, the Kearney Ag Center, UCOP in Oakland, and the DANR Building in Davis. These ANR video conference sites may be connected to any other IP-based video conference facility and are available for use by ANR personnel.
ANR acronym directory
More than 100 acronyms, their meanings and descriptions of the projects and programs.
Discrimination, Sexual Harassment and Sexual Assault
The University of California Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources is committed to creating and maintaining a community where all individuals who participate in university programs and activities can work together in an atmosphere free of violence, harassment, discrimination, exploitation or intimidation. Every member of the community should be aware that the University prohibits, in accordance with its policies, discrimination, bias, retaliation, sexual assault, sexual harassment, domes
Report a broken link
If you receive an error message or find a broken link, report it here.
Latino News Briefs
This bi-weekly digest is written primarily for the staff of UC Cooperative Extension. It is produced by the staff of ANR's Spanish Broadcast and Media Services based on news reported by mainstream news media and reputable research institutions.
Executive Council Web site
The Executive Coucil provides strategic guidance to the vice president and other administrators in the development of ANR policies, allocation of resources across units, and articulation of long-term programmatic directions for ANR.
Children, Youth and Families at Risk Project (CYFAR)
The project aims to build collaborative programs that encourage and promote positive developmental outcomes for youth and their families through a focus on family dynamics and child-parent interactions.
Farm and Food Policy and Obesity workshop
Presentations made at the Farm and Food Policy and Obesity workshop are posted at this website.
UC Master Food Preserver Program
The University of California Master Food Preserver Program extends UC research-based information about home food safety and preservation to the public. The public service and outreach program is administered locally by participating UC Cooperative Extension county offices.
ANR Development Services
If you are considering a gift to UC Agriculture and Natural Resources or the California 4-H Foundation, there are many ways to make a donation.
Government and Community Relations
Engaging government officials and community stakeholders helps build awareness and support for your work and that of the University as a whole.
President's Advisory Commission on Agriculture & Natural Resources
The President’s Advisory Commission on Agriculture and Natural Resources (PAC) brings together senior leaders from the University of California and the agricultural, natural resources and related human resources sectors to increase awareness of priority areas and issues where the University can make a difference through research, instruction and public service, and to strengthen private-sector support and appreciation for the University.
UC ANR 2018 Annual Report
UC Cooperative Extension San Mateo & San Francisco Counties
UC Cooperative Extension serving residents of San Mateo and San Francisco counties.
UC ANR 2019 Annual Report
Diversity • Equity • Inclusion webpage
Diversity, equity and inclusion resources
ANR Aggie Enterprise
Internal ANR website. You'll need to log into the ANR Portal to access. ANR information on Oracle / AKA Aggie Enterprise.
UC ANR Virtual Tour
A self-guided Storymap tour of UC ANR's mission, locations, programs and examples of projects that are helping Californians improve their lives and businesses.
UC ANR research and extension centers system
UC ANR's nine research and extension centers.
UC Cooperative Extension Central Sierra
The UC Cooperative Extension Central Sierra serves Amador, Calaveras, Tuolumne and El Dorado counties.
California Agritourism
This website includes resources created by UC ANR advisors and staff, presentations and other materials shared by agritourism stakeholders and educators at UC ANR agritourism workshops.
Statewide Programs & REC Operations
ANR Statewide Programs and Research and Extension Center Operations (SWPR) manages the budget, financial, personnel, programmatic and administrative operations for the program side of ANR
UC Cooperative Extension Santa Clara County
Website for UC Cooperative Extension in Santa Clara County