Federal Reporting Systems: REEport, NRS & NIMSS
Updated November 2023
NRS (NIFA Reporting System) is the newest of USDA National Institute for Food and Agriculture’s reporting systems. In its initial version, it is used for reporting of extension capacity funded (Smith-Lever 3(b) and 3(c)) programs, as well as for research projects funded by NIFA Hatch and Hatch/Multistate capacity grants.
REEport (Research, Education, and Extension project online reporting tool) is the other grants management and reporting system managed by the USDA National Institute for Food and Agriculture for competitive funded projects.
Eventually, all projects and programs funded by NIFA capacity grants or non-capacity research, extension, or education grants will be reported in NRS. NRS and REEport utilize the Research Performance Progress Report (RPPR), a standard progress report format that all federal research agencies are required to use. One or both of these systems are required for any person who receives funding through NIFA capacity grants or non-capacity research, extension, or education grants. It is also used by administrative, financial, and other support personnel who manage the capacity and non-capacity projects at UC.
NIMSS (National Information Management and Support System) is a web-based application that allows participants of Multistate Research Projects to submit proposals and reports online and register to participate on projects. Interested parties, stakeholders, and cooperators can also query the NIMSS for relevant and timely information on multistate projects. These projects are funded by Multistate Hatch capacity grants.
NRS information
Access NRS: https://nrs.nifa.usda.gov/
NRS account: Project Directors with active Hatch or Hatch/Multistate projects that were migrated from REEport into NRS already have NRS accounts with the same emails as their REEport accounts. For new Project Directors, and all non-PD NRS users, contact Chris Hanson to request an NRS account.
USDA eAuthentication Registration/Identity Verification instructions: All Project Directors and support staff who want/need to use NRS must create an eAuthentication account with Identity Verification; this is required even if they already have an NRS account. For instructions for creating and verifying an eAuthentication account, refer to the following:
- NRS/eAuthentication Registration Guide updated April 2021
- NRS/eAuthentication Registration - Supplemental Instructions for UC ANR Campus Academics updated April 2021
NOTE: Project Directors who will not be using NRS to access their projects themselves do not need to create eAuthentication accounts.
NIFA Reporting System User Guide
For more information see the federal NRS website: https://nifa.usda.gov/tool/pow-nifa-reporting-system
NRS FAQs (Program Planning and Evaluation)
REEport information
Access REEport: https://portal.nifa.usda.gov/portal
REEport User Guide - new November 2023
The REEport User Guide is an instructional guide for external REEport users. In this guide, you will find instructions on how to access, navigate, and submit reports in REEport. This guide covers project initiation, progress reports, final reports, and financial reports. It replaces the REEport Guide for Project Directors, REEport Financial Report Manual, and REEport Financial Report Manual Addendum.
For more information see the federal REEport website:
NIMSS information
Access NIMSS: https://www.nimss.org/
NOTE: This URL provides access to both the public search function and to logging in to one’s private NIMSS user account.
NIMSS User Guide: NIMSS User Guide updated Feb. 2018
Requests for participation in a multistate research project/activity (Appendix E):
- Campus-based AES and CE Academics (UCB-CNR, UCD-CAES, UCD-Vet Med, UCR-CNAS): Contact the appropriate college/school’s Dean’s Office.
- Non-Campus-based CE Academics: Contact Chris Hanson at PP&E to submit Appendix E. Such requests are approved by AVP Brent Hales.
Project reporting resources
UCD-CAES AES project reporting resources website
Capacity Award Terms and Conditions October 2019
NIFA Manual Classification for Research, Education, and Extension 2013
How to Write Strong Impact Statements for Your Research!
- Strengthening AES Impact Reporting in Progress Reports
- Why impact reporting matters & how to do it well: Multistate Research Program training
- RULES, tips & guidelines for writing GOOD REPORTS about your RESEARCH
- Impact Writing Workshop by Sara Delheimer
- Link to more UC ANR impact writing resources
National Database - to search all projects entered in REEport, as well as in the preceding Current Research Information System (CRIS): http://cris.nifa.usda.gov/search.html
Since 1966, CRIS was the federal automated system for storing and retrieving information on current agricultural and forestry research. The national database consists of more than 100,000 CRIS and REEport research projects.
Contact Information
For policy questions
Katherine Webb-Martinez
(510) 987-0029
For technical support and submission
Chris Hanson
(510) 987-0068