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ISHB Reproductive Hosts

See signs of ISHB infestation in most of the species listed below. 

Host List

Susceptible to ISHB-FD (may cause tree death)

  1. Acer buergerianum - Trident maple
  2. Acer macrophyllum - Big leaf maple*
  3. Acer negundo - Box elder*
  4. Parkinsonia aculeata - Palo verde
  5. Platanus racemosa - California sycamore*
  6. Platanus x hispanica - London plane
  7. Populus fremontii - Fremont cottonwood*
  8. Populus nigra - Black poplar*
  9. Populus trichocarpa - Black cottonwood*
  10. Quercus lobata - Valley oak*
  11. Quercus robur - English oak
  12. Ricinus communis - Castorbean
  13. Salix gooddingii - Black willow*
  14. Salix laevigata - Red willow*
  15. Salix lasiolepis - Arroyo willow*

Less susceptible to ISHB/FD (causes branch dieback), and/or the beetle commonly colonizes at the margin of canker diseases.

  1. Acacia melanoxylon - Australian blackwood
  2. Acacia spp. - Acacia
  3. Acer paxii - Evergreen maple
  4. Acer palmatum - Japanese maple
  5. Acer saccharinum - Silver leaf maple
  6. Aesculus californica - California buckeye*
  7. Ailanthus altissima - Tree of heaven
  8. Albizia julibrissin - Mimosa
  9. Alectryon excelsus - Titoki
  10. Alnus rhombifolia - White alder*
  11. Archontophoenix cunninghamiana - King palm
  12. Baccharis salicifolia - Mule fat*
  13. Bauhinia variegata - Purple orchid tree
  14. Brachychiton populneus - Kurrajong
  15. Camellia semiserrata - Camellia
  16. Castanospermum australe - Moreton Bay chestnut
  17. Casuarina equisetifolia - Australian pine tree 
  18. Cocculus laurifolius - Laurel leaf snailseed tree
  19. Corymbia ficifolia - Red flowering gum
  20. Cupaniopsis anacardioides - Carrotwood
  21. Dombeya cacuminum - Strawberry tree
  22. Erythrina caffra - Coast coral tree
  23. Erythrina coralloides - Coral tree
  24. Erythrina falcata - Brazilian coral tree
  25. Fagus crenata - Japanese beech
  26. Ficus altissima - Council tree
  27. Ficus carica - Black mission fig
  28. Gleditsia triacanthos - Honey locust
  29. Harpullia pendula - Tulip wood
  30. Howea forsteriana - Kentia palm
  31. Ilex cornuta - Chinese holly
  32. Jacaranda mimosifolia - Jacaranda
  33. Koelreuteria bipinnata - Chinese flame tree
  34. Liquidambar styriciflua - American sweet gum
  35. Magnolia grandiflora - Southern magnolia
  36. Magnolia virginiana - Sweet bay
  37. Parkinsonia florida - Blue palo verde*
  38. Parkinsonia x sonorae - Sonoran palo verde
  39. Persea americana - Avocado
  40. Platanus mexicana - Mexican sycamore
  41. Prosopis articulata - Mesquite*
  42. Pterocarya stenoptera - Chinese wingnut
  43. Quercus agrifolia - Coast live oak*
  44. Quercus chrysolepis - Canyon live oak*
  45. Quercus engelmannii - Englemann oak*
  46. Quercus suber - Cork oak
  47. Salix babylonica - Weeping willow
  48. Spathodea campanulata - African tulip tree
  49. Tamarix ramosissima - Tamarisk
  50. Wisteria floribunda - Japanese wisteria
  51. Xylosma congesta - Dense logwood / Shiny Xylosma