Doty Ravine

Q & A

Q -       Awesome presentation Damion. Where was that fire example in California you showed with the beaver dam? Also, could you speak to Kent's comment on your experience with working with Tribes on these sorts of projects?
A -        The fire and beaver pond photo is from the Manter Fire in California in Damion's presentation. Publication "Smokey the Beaver: beaver-dammed riparian corridors stay green during wildfire throughout the western USA"

Q -       Do you work with Army Corp regarding flood control dams

Q -        The beaver falling from the tree was the best!! Can we replay it, hahaha! Great presentation Damion!!

A -        Beaver Falling Video

Comment - Both of these presentations are so very interesting!
Comment - Some other great videos and talks from Damion and Jared on Doty:


*There were questions answered in Dr. Joe Wheaton's Q&A that also apply to Damion's presentation.*