Pasture Map

Q & A

*Some of these questions were answered directly in the presentation.*

Q -       Is Pasture Map a commercial product?

A -        We are a for profit company owned by a public benefit venture company


Q -       Can we upload monitoring photos?

A-         YES!


Q -       How long did it take to set it up for the ranch, that is a lot of information - or did it easily load the spreadsheets you were using?


Q -       Can you track forage production and utilization?  How about saving soil testing data?


Q -       Can you explain the top 3 benefits of using this?


Q -       Does the app allow you to enter number of cows, pairs, heifers, bulls, etc?  Can it calculate different animal units for these groups?


Q -       Does the app change the data for goats and sheep as well?


Q -       What is the cost?

A -        They declined to talk price since this was to be more of an education presentation, not a sales pitch. 


Q -       Brian, how do you provide water during strip grazing?

A -          


Comment -      Hey Brian, if we get 20" of rain, it's El Nino! Our average is 6".


Q -       We are targeted grazers with sheep and goats. We often design our paddocks based off of 164ft lengths of electric netting. Is there ability to create the perimeter of the paddocks on Pasture Map by a determined length, like our electric netting length? This will help with accuracy, planning, and it would be a game changing tool. Thanks!

A -        Not at this time, but Pasture Map constantly creates updates based on needs of clientele.  Suggested this be an update for future version!


Q -       Can you give others access to view your grazing project if they do not have a paid account?

A -        Yes, you can grant "consultant" access. they will be able to see your data, but not edit. You can also add team members which can edit and view but cannot have main admin access to add members or change units for season start and subscription settings