University of California
ANR Rate and Recharge Step by Step
Step 4: Submit to Control Unit
Brand New Rate? YES -then continue to prepare proposal
Modified or Existing Rate? YES -jump to email documents
Prepare a proposal
Create a detailed explanation of the new activity and why it is required.
Your Proposal should include the following:
- Brief description of the proposed service
- Brief description of the rate methodology including the basis for estimating sales
- How the service was provided in the past
- Why the service is needed
- Why the service should be provided by your office rather than purchased from another unit or from the private sector
- If applicable, comparison of rates with private sector prices
Email all relevant documents
E-mail documents to your Control Unit. Documents required to be sent include:
1. Rate Proposal (only if using a brand new rate)
2. Rate Submittal Cover Sheet
3. Completed Rate Calculation form
4. Self-Certification Form -Signed by your Department Head/Center Director