Fire, climate change, and adaptation in Southern California

May 21, 2021

At the recent 2021 Hansen Symposium  - Climate Change:What Does it Mean for Southern California, UCCE Extension Fire Specialist Max Moritz, Central Coast Range and Natural Resources Advisor Matthew Shapero, and yours truly, Urban Natural Resources Advisor LA/Ventura Sabrina Drill discussed the impacts of and ways to adapt to climate change and wildfire at the regional, subdivision, rangelands, and home scale. Watch our presentations here!  You can also learn about how climate change is affecting our weather and fire risk from Dr. Daniel Swain and learn about how YOU can get involved through our Climate Stewards program from the first day of the symposium, and hear about how agriculture is adapting to climate change from the second day

By Sabrina L. Drill
Author - Natural Resources Advisor - Emeritus